Monday 3 January 2011

Kdahl | About |

Karina Dahl Wheeler – trading as Kdahl Design – is an award winning graphic designer
with a passion for all-things-design, illustration, type, photography, tech and animal welfare.
Using innovation and imagination, her work is clear, simple, highly creative, focused
on the clients needs and adheres to any corporate guidelines which are in place.

Right, that's enough waffle about me in the third person.

Hello and welcome to my home on the Web! I don’t like writing bios but it turns out
that this is the 3rd most popular page on my site, so I feel obligated to offer a bit about myself.

After pondering many professions I finally landed on

design thanks to the words-of-wisdom (more
like a faded ghostly echo now), spoken to me by my art teacher way back when I was a wee lass
– '
don't ever give up your art Karina
'. So I didn't.

I graduated with honors and have since established myself as a tireless seeker of knowledge,
constant reorganiser of small inanimate objects, photographer, dedicated saviour of all-creatures-fluffy
and coincidentally, a graphic designer.

This fortunate turn of events has led me to work on a variety of

accounts from well-established international companies to small start-ups and individuals, resulting in an impressive back catalogue
of successful
under my belt from which I've gained a wide range of skills and knowledge.

Made in

Copenhagen, I'm a mixture of French, Norwegian, Dutch and a little Maltese on the side.
Despite the colourful mix, my family and I chose to reside in the
UK – excluding 3 years spent living in Norway where I learnt to build a structurally sound igloo and how to downhill ski facing forward, major achievement! – and here I have stayed whilst dreaming of sunnier lands in far-far-away

I'm fluent in both French and English, married to 

Anthony, a Brit and together we've adopted a rabbit named Slipmat and a guinea named Hype from the RSPCA. I can be found wondering the many coffee shops of Hertfordshire, South of England and you can follow me on Twitter
 where I occasionally say something worthwhile.

I love making pixels look good and – big head moment – prides myself on letting my enthusiastic nature push my creative limits to meet customer's expectations with a ‘can do’ attitude. My work ethos: work
hard, play harder!

So here's your action list: 

hire mecontact me or tell me your secrets!

Kdahl Design is a member of Design Can Change, an initiative for sustainable practice within graphic design
