Wednesday 2 March 2011

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March 2011:

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Rathband's unfinished business

PC David Rathband of Northumbria police was left blind after being shot by a fugitive gunman. Nigel Green meets the man who reveals his fears and frustrations, as well as his hopes of returning to the police

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Independent Living Fund to close

Independent Living Fund to close

The fears of disabled people about the future of the Independent Living Fund (ILF) have been confirmed by the announcement that the fund is to close by 2015

Work test 'not fit for purpose'

Work test 'not fit for purpose'

Campaigners have welcomed an independent review of the Work Capability Assessment (WCA, but have warned that the system for determining whether or not people are capable of being moved off benefits and back into work will continue to fail disabled people

Challenged on 'cheats', Miller blames media

Challenged on 'cheats', Miller blames media

It's not the coalition government's fault that disabled people have been demonised as 'cheats' and 'scroungers' under moves to reform the welfare state, the Minister for Disabled People has said. Instead she claimed the media was responsible for propagating this view.

Welfare cuts mean hard times ahead

Welfare cuts mean hard times ahead

Before it announced the results of its Public Spending Review, the coalition government insisted that disabled people had no reason to fear cuts to the welfare system


The unkindest cut... Homing in on res care

The unkindest cut... Homing in on res care

The announcement by Minister for Disabled People Maria Miller that the Government was to cut the mobility component from the Disability Living allowance paid to people in residential care has been seen by many as not only heartless but fundamentally misguided. Paul Carter and Sunil Peck assess its impact and reaction to it


Don't care must be made to care

You could be forgiven for thinking that David Cameron is looking at Britain through the wrong end of a telescope. Take his recent pronouncements on multiculturalism, in particular his contention that if you don’t believe in equality – equality of the genders, ethnic equality, equality of sexual orientation, and, we must assume, disability equality – if you don’t believe in those, you don’t belong.