Wednesday 13 April 2011

BBC News - Government grant to evict Dale Farm travellers in Essex

13 April 2011 Last updated at 08:26

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Government grant to evict Dale Farm travellers in Essex

Dale farm protest Travellers and Romany people from across Europe spent the weekend at Dale Farm

The government has agreed to pay up to £1.2m of the £5m cost of clearing the Dale Farm traveller site in Essex, the largest site in Europe.

Basildon Council has gained permission to evict those living there illegally.

The pitches were developed without planning permission in the green belt. The council had a request for £3m help with the cost turned down earlier.

Police are still waiting to hear if they will receive a Home Office grant for their role in the eviction.

The council has said it worked for a peaceful solution to the illegal pitches for 10 years but it was now time for action.

A travellers' representative has said forced evictions would have a bad impact on children in the community.