Wednesday 4 May 2011

Cannabis - a couple of 'things' people aren't mentioning - or maybe 3!

I am not going to write about the medical side of the cannabis fight - If you read just a bit from some seriously together sites you find out the truth pretty quickly - cannabis IS useful for helping large numbers of people to cope with the way we live in first world countries today - if you are well off and together you might not understand that statement - never mind.

I'm not going to write abouty the cost of the 'War on Drugs' and the failure and cost of that 'war'.

Nor about huge cannabis farms staffed by abused illegal immigrants.


I'm going to try to write about

  • Why, just because you have had some cannabis, doesn't mean you are 'stoned' and
  • Cannabis as a perspective changer and
  • Cannabis as a L.E.T.S (Local Exchange Trading System) type 'from the ground up' financing system (with differences) and
  • Why both of the above are actually the main reasons why politicians lie about cannabis and why it is not legal and part of a legal everyday life for those who might feel the need to use it.

Just because you have had some cannabis, doesn't mean you are 'stoned'

If you had half a glass of wine would you see yourself as pissed/drunk? Would others around you see a drunk? no, of course they wouldn't.

When you smoke a little bit of cannabis you usually relax a bit. If you smoke a bit more you get high. If you crank down a seriously heavily packed joint or pipe or bong or volcano you might get blitzed, stoned or sofa'd (-:

Most people who smoke don't use it to get stoned on. Except maybe at weekends when they are just using their version of acohol.

For a fair number of people who are ill the last thing they want is the stoned side of smoking dope.

Most people who I know who smoke use it as a way of smoothing their days, whether because of illness or stress or even just because it really does seem to enhance a lot of what happens in a day.

Being stoned can be a state of removal from all that is around and who wants that on a continuous basis? I don't. But I have done in the past when I was seriously ill. And when I was hurting bad.

Having a smoke off and on throughout the day is different. I am not stoned then - I am in an altered state and have chosen to smoke for exactly that reason. I want to see life from a point of view that is different from when I don't smoke.

and this brings me onto

Cannabis as a perspective changer

I overthink. Have done all of my life as far as I know. I also overanalise.

When I first found cannabis seriously - when I was twenty three I think - I was continuing the lifelong searching for spiritual answers to my own problems. I soon got to learn that, for me, cannabis was a tool that seemed to help me to find my damage - admittedly I also did myself a lot of damage by diving too deep with it and not having help to learn what I needed to learn - that took till... well, it's still ongoing at 54 (-:

At the time I was drinking spirits by the gallon. I put myself into many a top hosital countrywide by having major fits bought on by overdrinking.

Time moves on by thirty odd years.

I am one of the people on this planet that see that there is an alternative way of working this world - not an all consuming destructive way - we (I) see that much of what is based on the normal lives of people is ok - but there are parts of this social make up, the workings of the money and politics and power side that need altering now.

I have studied this world for most of my life and tend to believe that most of what we, as people, are about is ok. Given good education and the ability to join in happily most of us tend to find our places and work with others to make this place a more balanced and better planetary home for all living things, helping our family, friends, neighbours and strangers as and when we can.

However, because we, as humans, are all built on past happenings, we tend towards choosing past ways as the ways for living in the present - mainly because they are known to work and our system is not set up for finding out what's needed now and getting it sorted in the now.

Old rules and old ways have adherents to those old rules and ways. People with power, built with those old rules and ways, who can only see loss of that power if those old rules and ways are changed to suit all of us rather than just a few of 'us'.

Taking drugs that give an alternate way of seeing this world has been going on from time immemorial. In many cultures the sort of drugs that are taken recreationally now used to be reserved for the shamans and the wise ones. Now any Jo Bob or Tracey can find something mind altering any old day of the week.

And with the differences in points of view working their way into the national and global subconcious changes are wrought.

A question. If you are one of the few who have used brute force, cruelty, clever systems and emotional blackmail plus any other tools you could find to to keep a system working that worked for you and your family and friends - would you fight with all those weapons to keep it going, even if you knew that you were being selfish and greedy and wrong? Especially knowing how cruelly we humans treat people who are found to be wrong?

The last thing a self serving system wants is having its control systems undermined by chemicals that allow people to see those systems for what they are and are not.

Cannabis as a L.E.T.S (Local Exchange Trading System) type 'from the ground up' financing system (with differences)

Along with the changes of pespective and reasoning that cannabis offers there is the financial, monetary side of the equation that allows any old 'raggedy' to have the sort of money that 1st World Society Members work years to get.

To be able to grow a crop that can bring in £2,000, £10,000 or even more every eight to fifteen weeks is amazing. There is a market. There are customers a plenty. There is a positive reality to latch it all to if you want moral reasoning. There is a use for the money even if none of the reasoning applies - not only a use but a ready acceptance into Society of that money, no questions asked more often than not.

With that money you get an army of other thinkers who feed that money into the system through their own channels. Since the control of money, its supply etc is normally left in the 'capable' hands of those in the system with money and the control of money it can be disturbing to have other lines of financing opening up in an otherwise tightly controlled system.

Most other belief systems or most other crimes don't give this sort of money into the hands of 'just anybody'!

Once this crop is converted into cash it starts to change society, even if it is just because the children of 'growers' and 'dealers' can join in with society 'way above' the level they would normally be able to.

If the old belief system says that you win by fighting wars then you will see that only by having a drugs war will you win and keep your way of life.

Maybe you also think that, by attacking  all the 'druggies' and screwing them over, lying to the rest of society about what drugs are all about, you will keep your ways and carry on sharing the wealth between yourself and your Society friends. Who knows?

Growing cannabis has been the equivalent of a LETS system for alternative believers and it has been needed. The society I live in in the UK plays so many cruel games with money - using the money itself to control whether we live or die for one thing, controlling the pathways of others by limiting the supply of money so people have to often walk in the opposite direction in order to find enough money to go where their hearts and souls direct them. Working as a sugar beet topper rather than being a bloody good doctor or painter.


Why both of the above are actually the main reasons why politicians lie about cannabis and why it is not legal and part of a legal everyday life for those who might feel the need to use it.


Cannabis as a crop changes the dynamics.

The system built on the currency of the country will be altered. Watch what is happening in America. Watch the battle between state and federal.

'They' don't want that which will come.


The battle the legalise dope campaign face is not just a matter of getting a bit of truth out and educating people.

It's a matter of life and death of a system that was built a long time ago and that wants to live forever.

Not simple