Thursday 5 May 2011

The Hardest Hit

Wednesday May 11th 2011 - Hardest Hit March

On Wednesday May 11th thousands of disabled people, their families and supporters from all over the country will come together to protest with one voice outside the Houses of Parliament and make their feelings known about the impact of spending cuts on disabled people.

The day of protest, organised by UKDPC and major disability organisations, will send a strong and powerful message to the Government and you’re invited to join us.

Why are we marching?

We’re marching to make sure that the Government hears disabled people’s voices. Cuts to vital benefits and services will have a massive impact on disabled people’s independence and could push people into poverty – the Government must act now to make sure that disabled people are not the Hardest Hit.

How do I take part on May 11th?

We’re expecting thousands of disabled people to descend on London and join us on the day, so we’re asking everyone to sign up to let us know their coming and tell us which parts of the day you’ll be joining us for – The March, lobby or the whole day of action.

Sign up below to take part on May 11th and show your support for disabled people across the UK.

More information is available in our frequently asked questions.