Monday 2 May 2011

Information on Drug Abuse | About Aislinn | Aislinn Adolescent Addiction Centre

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Information on Drug Abuse

There are no easy answers to the problems caused by drug use, but knowing the facts can help you deal with drugs issues.

Information on Drug Abuse
Understanding drugs
What do we mean when we talk about drug use?

People use many different kinds of drugs. These drugs may be legal or illegal, helpful or harmful. Every drug has side-effects and risks, but some drugs have more risks than others, especially illegal drugs.

Using drugs can become a problem depending on a number of factors. These are: 

  • What drug is used?
  • Who is using the drug? (especially their mood and personality)
  • Why they are using the drug?
  • Where and How are they are using the drug?

Different drugs create different problems for different people. These problems require different answers. To begin to understand the problem, you have to know what is happening in the life of the person who is using the drug and what drug they are using.

The most commonly used illegal drugs are cannabis, ecstasy, heroin and cocaine.

Why do people use drugs?
Different people use different drugs for different reasons.

There are, of course, legal drugs which we all come across every day. For example, you may take medicine when you are sick, alcohol to help you relax or coffee to help you stay awake.

What we are talking about are illegal drugs. You may experiment with illegal drugs because of curiosity, because your friends are doing it or to escape boredom or worries. You may take certain drugs to change how you feel. You may believe it’s a fun or fashionable thing to do.

You may continue to use a drug because you enjoy it, or because it’s part of your social life or culture. This is often called “recreational” drug use.

Sometimes drug use can become an important part of your life. This may be because of emotional, psychological or social problems you are experiencing. Some drugs can make you addicted or dependent, where you lose control over your drug use and feel you cannot function without the drug.

Some people use more than one drug at the same time – this is known as “polydrug use”. Mixing drugs can be dangerous because the effects and side-effects are added together. This includes mixing illegal drugs with legal drugs such as alcohol or medication. For example, taking alcohol with cocaine increases your risk of irregular heart rhythms, heart attacks and even death.

Know the facts about drugs

There are no easy answers to the problems caused by drug use, but knowing the facts can help you deal with drugs issues.

Myth “All drugs are addictive”.

Fact  Some drugs can create addiction or dependence much quicker than others. There is no evidence that people get “hooked” after one to two uses, or that everyone who tries a drug will become addicted. Using a drug even once can cause serious problems. Addiction depends on the what, who, why, where and how of drug use.

Myth “only drug addicts have a problem” 

Fact Addiction or dependency is not the only problem drugs can cause. Some people have problems the first time they use a drug, or problems may develop as you use them more often. Drug use can affect your physical and mental health, your family life, relationships and your work or study. Using illegal drugs can also get you into trouble with the law or cause money problems.

Myth “All illegal drugs are equally harmful” 

Fact Different drugs can harm you in different ways. Some drugs, such as heroin, are regarded as more dangerous because they have a higher risk of addiction and overdose, or because they are injected. However, each drug has its own risks.

Drugs are often described as being either “hard” or “soft” but it’s not as simple as that.

Myth “My teenager is moody and losing interest in school – they must be on drugs”.

Fact Parents often ask how they can tell if their child is using drugs. But you should be careful of lists of signs and symptoms. Many of the possible signs, such as mood swings or loss of interest in hobbies or study, are also normal behaviour for teenagers. It’s better to talk to them before jumping to conclusions.

If you find that your child is taking drugs, don’t panic. Find out the details of their drug taking – what they have taken, for how long and why. Speaking with a trained professional can help you decide what action to take.

You can help your child develop a sensible attitude towards drugs, by showing a sensible attitude to your own use of drugs particularly legal drugs such as alcohol and medication.

Myth “Young people are tempted to try drugs by pushers”

Fact Most young people are introduced to illegal drugs by a friend or someone they know. In many cases drugs are “pulled” rather than “pushed” – the person asks for it themselves, often out of curiosity.  

It’s good to talk and listen!

Talking about drugs and drug use can be difficult. You may feel uncomfortable taking about drugs because you don’t know enough about the subject. You may not be confident that you can talk to and influence the other person. You don’t have to do this alone, you can get further information and support.

If someone you know is taking drugs or you think they are taking drugs:
  • Listen to them – it is important to understand and respect how they feel;
  • Keep the lines of communication open; and
  • Look for more information before you do anything.
Where can I get more information and support?

The Health Service Executive (HSE) has trained staff, in drugs education, in your area. They also have counselling and treatment services. A number of voluntary agencies also provide education, counselling and treatment throughout the country.

To get information on your local services:

Free phone: Drugs Helpline 1800 459 459

Monday – Friday, 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. 


Text: Drugs to 51900

If you or someone you know needs immediate help:

If you find someone drowsy or unconscious:

  • Stay calm.
  • Phone the emergency service on 999 or 112.
  • Make sure their airway is clear.
  • Turn them on their side and try not to leave them alone. Take care when turning them to avoid contact with needles or sharp objects.
  • Give any powders, tablets or other things you find to the ambulance staff.
If you think someone has taken drugs and needs help:
  • Contact your local doctor – listed under General Practitioner (GP) in the phone book.
  • Go to or phone the Emergency department (A&E) of your nearest hospital.
  • Phone the emergency service on 999 or 112.
What you need to know about drugs

There are five main kinds of drugs that can change your mood or how you behave. Most of these drugs come under a law called the Misuse of Drugs Act. They are known as “controlled drugs” and are listed in different groups called schedules.

The schedules group drugs, according to how useful they are and what is needed to control their use. For example, schedule one covers drugs that have no medical use – drugs such as LSD and “designer drugs” such as ecstasy.

This is different from the UK where drugs are grouped in classes (A, B, C) according to how the law deals with them.

  • Depressants, such as alcohol, can be used to calm the mind, relieve anxiety and can cause sleepiness.
  • Sedatives and minor tranquillisers include the benzodiazepine drugs, such as valium,   these are often prescribed to calm you down or to help you sleep at night. They have the same general effects as depressants but they cause addiction in a different way.
  • Opiates, also known as narcotic analgesics, are strong painkillers that produce feelings of euphoria (happiness) and sleepiness. The opiates include morphine, heroin and methadone.

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Aislinn | Adolescent Addiction Centre

Ballyragget, County Kilkenny, Ireland.
T +353 (0)56-8833777
F +353 (0)56-8833780

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