Saturday 25 June 2011

Define American

24 Jun 2011

America's Shameful Moments

This article was cross-posted from the Huffington Post.

In grade school I was taught that the United States is a melting pot. People from all over the world come here for freedom and to pursue a better life. They arrive with next to nothing, work incredibly hard, learn a new language and new customs, and in a generation they become an integral part of our

24 Jun 2011

"Overwhelming" - A short update on Define American from the team

There is no way our small team here with Define American can possibly describe the last few days.

"Overwhelming" would probably be the word that comes closest - and we mean it in the best possible way.

On Tuesday night, before the big "coming out" on Wednesday morning, we honestly weren't sure whether anyone would

22 Jun 2011

My "Illegal" Brother Defines American

Ron Paul brought us together …in Building 45 of the Google-Plex in the summer of 2007.

It was an exciting time for us poli-tech geeks, as we were several months into seeing just how much could be done with all the internet had given us for something as big as a presidential campaign. A couple of still-small "startups" like Facebook