Wednesday 1 June 2011

Home - Rebel Brown: Challenging the Status Quo


Lost your momentum post-new economy?


Everything you've always done isn't working anymore?


   Trouble finding your true course for success?
It's Time to Challenge your Thinking!

There are opportunities to grow your business in any economy.  You simply have to see them.

Take the first step now by learning to think differently about your business. How? Ask the right questions.

In every new economy the key to success is to consiously and continuously shift your perspective; about the value you deliver, which markets can benefit most from that value, and how you view your business, itself. For over two decades I've helped clients do just that. I've helped clients thrive through three (or more) economic downturns. I know how to find opportunity in the midst of chaos. It may not be in the most obvious of places, but I know the potential is there and I’ll help you find it.

Growth is All Around Us 

From small businesses to large corporations, growth is all around us, thanks to the very opportunities found in the new economy. Take a look at these Zero Gravity Success videos to see real-life examples of businesses that are thriving.

Why are they succeeding? Because they ask the right questions to challenge the status quo, break free of gravity and soar - to high-velocity growth.

Three Power Moves for High Velocity Growth

Right now your business can shift - out of the past and into the future. You can leverage your strenghts, gain success quickly and take market advantage over stuck-in-the-status-quo competitors. If you find the right opporunity and define the best flight plan.

Growth strategies. For more than 20 years, I’ve helped clients build sustainable growth and revenues by helping them think differently about their business value, market opportunities and how they define success. We'll brainstorm fresh perspectives to ditch what's no longer working for you.  Then we'll map your distinct value to compelling opportunities in this new economy and create a Flight Plan to leverage your success and take off - for high-velocity growth. Read more about my strategies to propel your business forward in my best-selling book Defy Gravity.

Market positioning.  The old me, me, me chest thumping days are over. Marketing is about creating relationships through customer-powered positioning and stories. Together, we’ll define sustainable market positioning strategies then create the evidence-driven stories to power your success.

Market launches.  My clients reap the benefits of my 100 plus successful launches - for companies and products. I've learned a lot through those experiences. The time of Big Bang launches has passed. By using my Rolling Thunder launch methodology your company will use market launches to power immediate and sustainable revenue results - the true measure of launch success.

Learn about consulting, workshops, and more.

SMB High-Velocity Systems

If you're a small business owner or entrepreneur, I've created turnkey systems designed specifically for you. My Velocity Systems will guide you as you apply my proven principles to define your growth strategy, position your business and power into your target market. Learn more about small business systems.

Are you ready to challenge your status quo and grow?

Contact me to chat about how we can put your business back on the path to high-velocity growth!