Wednesday 1 June 2011

Public Figures Speak Out | CLEAR

It is the anniversary of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.Sting

There is no doubt, despite being a good piece of legislation, the abuse of its application by consecutive governments has meant it has now become an arbitrary tool for prohibition.

To mark the anniversary of the MoDA1971, a group of eminent and prolific figures – including Dame Judi Dench, Sting, Sir Richard Branson and Paul Flynn MP- have signed a letter requesting the unnecessary criminalisation of people to end .  Further signatories include director Mike Leigh, actresses Julie Christie and Kathy Burke.  Leading lawyer Sir Geoffrey Bindman QC also signed, as has former Labour drug minister Bob Ainsworth MP.  Not to mention three former chief constables, Paul Whitehouse, Francis Wilkinson and Tom Lloyd.  The letter was arranged by RELEASE.

The list of reform supporters, and their credentials, are vast.  On record to reform drugs laws are: Kofi Annan; the former Secretary General to the U.N, Sir Ian Gilmore; former president of the Royal College of Physicians, Nicholas Green QC (Chairman of the UK BAR Council).

In opposition, and to provide the counter argument, is Mary Brett.  A science teacher and a trustee of charity Cannabis Skunk Sense.  The Home Office has put out an instant rebuttal saying that it will not consider any action other than their current policy.

Original news stories with various degrees of impartiality can be read:

The Guardian

The Daily Mail

The Independent