Friday 1 July 2011

Get Involved | WOW Info

Get Involved


WOW is a small, active 501 c 3 organization.  Membership fees fund our projects, keep our website current, and cover our operating expenses.  All members, including the Board, volunteer their time.    Your membership indicates your support of our efforts to ADVOCATE for women, continue our mission to EDUCATE, and carry out worldwide  HUMANITARIAN activities.  As a member, you have a voice, a vote, and a role in WOW projects and goals.


Let us know if you want to take an active role in supporting and advancing our causes.    We need your help so we can help others.  We invite your participation by taking a leadership position such as attending UN meetings, leading a humanitarian project, or planning events.   Or you may participate in supporting roles.   We always need writers, website managers, travel agents, trainers, videographers, and photographers.  We do a lot of work at the U.N. in New York and Geneva, and we can always use help in those locations.  Much of our work can be done from home.  Many meetings are online or via conference calls.  Please look over Worldwide Organization for Women’s current needs and volunteer a little of your time. 

  • Humanitarian Project Coordinating Committee:  This committee will formulate guidelines for humanitarian project approval and recommend projects to the WOW Board.  
  • Strategic Planning Committee: This committee will meet in 2010 to look at sustainability and long range plans for WOW.  
  • Membership Committee: We have a Chair but can always use people who are connected and organized.
  • Publicity and Website:  WOW can never have too much help with our web site.  If you are a Blogger, or familiar with WordPress need YOU!
  • Librarian:  (No card file involved)  Help us compile lists and information on books pertaining to our mission.  We’ll post them and encourage WOW Bookgroups to read and share on the Blog.  Board members are anxious to share titles that inspired them.
  • Standing Rules Committee:  We need writers to refine the text of WOW’s work.   Bylaws have recently been updated, and we need a document that includes the organization’s history, accomplishments, and procedures: what we do and how it should be done so the organization can move forward.
  • Calendar Coordinator:  Keep our calendar (conferences and meetings occuring  worldwide).  We have lists but not time enough to post them.  We’d like it compiled and posted on a google calendar site.
  • FUNDRAISING:  Volunteers always needed!!!


Call a local literacy organization.  Volunteer to help women or children learn to read.  Kids cannot succeed if they cannot read and women cannot teach their families if they cannot read themselves.

Support the Mother’s Legacy Project, sponsored by one of our partner organizations, American Mothers.  Read more about it and add a story about a mother or other woman you know who has made a difference at

World Reading Day:  Collect books to donate to one of our projects, or sponsor an event in your local area. 

Be a Trainer for the FACTS Education program: We have sponsored the FACTS program (Teen Sexuality) with a grant from the Utah Health Department for the last 10 years. Our FACTS program is no longer funded through the government.  We need trainers who would like to help teach this abstinence program.  We will train you, and provide materials.

Attend a conference on women or family issues in your community.   Share what you learn on our Blog.  Or write on your Blog and link to us, adding links you feel are helpful on subjects you’ve learned about.

Start a WOW Bookgroup.  Read a book or watch a documentary and have a group of friends over to talk about the issues.  Report your efforts on our Blog or write about your experience and link to us.  Check our booklist for information on issues we care about. 


Write a letter.  Every day, decisions are made in local, state and national bodies that affect women.  Speak out on issues you feel need a voice.  If you don’t do it, who will? Check out our Resolutions (link) to learn where we stand on these issues.  Contact us if you need information or help.

Become a specialist in an area or volunteer in an area you are already knowledgeable in.  We need women to chair many of these critical issues.  If you like to organize around an issue, we would love to have your leadership.

Attend a meeting or sit on a Committee at the UN.  Contact us  at  if you’d like to join us.  We are often invited to attend international conferences.  We encourage members to attend these events. Click for calendar of upcoming events.

Attend a Conference.  When we learn about an issue we can start to change behavior. Share what you learned in 500 words.  We will post it or link to your blog.  Go to our WOW blog and read about those who went to the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) with us.

Invite your Facebook friends to the WOW site.   Encourage them to speak out.  Twitter about what you have learned.

Join WOW.   Contribute a membership for a woman  in a developing country.  We are working to give all women a voice. With these funds we can ensure there will be a WOW member who can help women and families in her village or community.

Mobilize: When there is an issue of importance to women in your local council or legislature, rally the troops and make a stand. 

Know the resolutions WOW has taken a position on.  Submit updates or write your own resolution.  Resolutions are voted on by the membership at  annual meetings.

Prevent child abuse.  WOW partners with Women’s World Summit Foundation every year in November.  We are looking for projects to help  communities become more aware of this issue.  WWSF P.O. Box 143 – 1211 Geneva 20 – Switzerland Fax (+41 22) 738 82 48 .  More information on their website:  If you are interested in doing a local project under the WOW name for this issue contact us

Call a local woman’s shelter and ask how you can help. Domestic violence hurts more than women, it hurts families and society. 


Volunteer or contribute to our humanitarian projects.  WOW is currently working with several projects. You can be assured these projects are legitimate and that donations will assist in reaching the stated goals.  Click on the sidebars on the Home page to learn about the many ways WOW is helping women and families around the world.  

Look around your neighborhood or community.  There are many in need.  You can also make a difference close to home.