Thursday 7 July 2011

How A Parisian Artist Created This Stunning Optical Illusion

How A Parisian Artist Created This Stunning Optical IllusionAn eye-popping optical illusion created by Parisian artist François Abelanet is on display outside Paris City Hall. This work of art looks like a giant grass sphere, but it's actually flat.

This land art is an anamorphosis which is a distorted projection that comes to life when viewed at the proper angle. Stand to the side and you will see angular grass and dirt. Stand at the correct angle and the 3D image jumps out at you.

The work of art may look small in its 3D form, but it's actually huge. It covers 1500 square meters, measures 100 meters long and uses 1200 square meters of lawn. Approximately, 90 gardeners worked for five days to assemble the entire display.

If you want to learn more about its creation, check out this Paris TV video. It's in French but the pictures tell you all you need to know. [Paris Website via Entertainment Technology Center and Paris Daily Photo]