Tuesday 2 August 2011

Aid for the food crisis in the Horn of Africa – get the data | Global development | guardian.co.uk

An estimated 12.4 million people now need humanitarian assistance in Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti, according to the UN. The food security crisis in the Horn of Africa – including the officially declared famine in two regions of southern Somalia – has already been called the worst humanitarian crisis of 2011 by Antonio Guterres, head of the UN refugee agency, the UNHCR, and the most severe food crisis in the world today.

But aid donors have been criticised for dragging their feet over sending aid to the affected areas and there have been calls for more funding to meet the need.

The UN says $2.5bn in aid is now needed for the humanitarian response, about $1.4bn more than has been committed so far.

Source: UN OCHA, July 2011

At an emergency meeting of aid donors and charities at the UN Food and Agriculture Office (FAO) in Rome last week, the NGO Save the Children said that more than 1 million children could die in Somalia alone if the funding gap isn't immediately addressed. Meanwhile, Barbara Stocking, head of Oxfam GB, said: "It is shameful that only a few of the richest and powerful economies were willing to demonstrate today their commitment to saving the lives of many of the poorest and most vulnerable."

If the humanitarian response is not quickly and comprehensively scaled up and if access to those most affected is not secured, the UN expects famine to spread across all regions of southern Somalia in the next one to two months.

Source: UN OCHA, July 2011

But there are no final figures here – not for the number of people who might be affected or for the amount of funding required or delivered. And tracking aid for the Horn of Africa crisis is not straightforward. There is no unifying funding appeal for the crisis; instead, there are three existing inter-agency appeals: the Djibouti Drought Appeal 2011, the Kenya Emergency Humanitarian Response Plan 2011+ and the Consolidated Appeal for Somalia 2011.

Ethiopia, however, poses a particular challenge – it is a crisis without an appeal. Unlike the other three countries, there is no published inter-agency appeal for Ethiopia, so it is not possible to track drought-related humanitarian needs and funding for Ethiopia in the same way.

Here, we've pulled data from OCHA's Financial Tracking Service on who is funding the humanitarian response, how much they've given and where the money is being spent. The data is compiled by OCHA on the basis of reports from donors and appealing organisations.

For Ethiopia, we've pulled out the figures for humanitarian aid to Ethiopia in 2011, though note that not all of this is specifically drought-related.

We will be updating this post each week with the latest information on funding.

See the full spreadsheet for more data on humanitarian needs and funding for each of the four countries. The full sheet also shows both commitments and as-yet unfulfilled pledges.

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Data summary

Funding Status: Horn of Africa Crisis 2011 (US$ millions)

As of 1 August 2011. Click heading to sort table. Download this data

Updated Requirements (US$ millions)
Funding to Date (US$ millions)
% Funded
Unmet requirements

Notes: The breakdown of Ethiopia funding is provided by OCHA-Ethiopia based on local information.

"Funding" means Contributions + Commitments + Carry-over

Contribution: the actual payment of funds or transfer of in-kind goods from the donor to the recipient entity.

Commitment: creation of a legal, contractual obligation between the donor and recipient entity, specifying the amount to be contributed.

Kenya EHRP 741 357 48.18% 383 Djibouti Drought Appeal 33 14 42.42% 19 Somalia CAP 1063 408 38.38% 654 Ethiopia Humanitarian Requirements July-December 2011 398 146 36.68% 253 Ethiopia Refugee-related requirements 246 22 8.94% 224 Funding for the Horn in general, not yet allocated   86     Total 2481 1033 41.64% 1533

Humanitarian aid for the Horn of Africa drought 2011 (US$ millions)

As of 1 August 2011. Click heading to sort table. Download this data

Kenya EHRP 2011+
Somalia CAP 2011
Djibouti Drought Appeal 2011
Ethiopia 2011

Notes: Because there is no specific appeal for Ethiopia, please note that figures for Ethiopia are for all humanitarian aid contributions in 2011 and might not all be drought-specific
Negative values: Negative numbers are balancing entries to avoid double-counting
Funding = Contributions + Commitments

Contribution: the actual payment of funds or transfer of in-kind goods from the donor to the recipient entity.

Commitment: creation of a legal, contractual obligation between the donor and recipient entity, specifying the amount to be contributed.

United States 122153357 54580643 4686930 216717907 398,138,837 Carry-over (donors not specified) 84,586,352 88,503,301 2,998,167 7,300,989 183,388,809 European Commission 27,287,732 6,376,494 2,584,567 55,523,378 91,772,171 United Kingdom 4,370,350 37,425,143   69,370,612 111,166,105 Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) 22,701,020 42,923,560   25,596,604 91,221,184 Japan 28,155,408 35,831,072   23,000,000 86,986,480 Allocation of unearmarked funds by UN agencies 21,463,512 15,602,299 989,764 20,614,438 58,670,013 Saudi Arabia 744,137 50,000,000     50,744,137 Canada 15,078,957 5,087,517 1,023,541 6,098,751 27,288,766 Brazil   20,100,725   7,376,788 27,477,513 Sweden 6,469,225 11,110,149   3,010,019 20,589,393 Denmark   13,137,945   7,872,178 21,010,123 Norway 2,288,314 13,510,074   2,205,675 18,004,063 Germany 6,508,321 2,517,744   289,093 9,315,158 Australia 4,357,298 5,194,836     9,552,134 Spain 2,747,253 4,825,104   6,353,437 13,925,794 Netherlands   6,000,000   6,875,000 12,875,000 Various (details not yet provided) 3,042,500 9,565,456     12,607,956 Switzerland 1,548,236 3,070,322 407,620 2,464,054 7,490,232 Finland 953,678 2,811,000   953,678 4,718,356 Others   -6,179,705     -6,179,705 France 1,014,684 2,849,388 429,185 1,069,293 5,362,550 Ireland 536,481 2,076,631   2,130,518 4,743,630 Belgium       1,430,615 1,430,615 Italy       2,584,669 2,584,669 Sudan       2,500,000 2,500,000 Korea, Republic of 500,000 500,000 200,000 500,000 1,700,000 Russian Federation 1,000,000       1,000,000 New Zealand   762,777     762,777 Austria   715,308     715,308 African Development Bank     507,898   507,898 Luxembourg       276,578 276,578 Czech Republic       112,676 112,676 Allocation of funds from Red Cross / Red Crescent -149,125       -149,125 Private (individuals & organisations) 12,685   8,861 921,202 942,748             Total 357,370,375 428,897,783 13,836,533 473,148,152 1,273,252,843

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