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Forrester Research - Discussion Point 2005 X Internet AJAX Autonomy Nuance Verity Microsoft Google et al...

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X Internet AJAX Autonomy Nuance Verity Microsoft Google et al...
Posted: Oct 31, 2005
Mark Aldiss, Project Creator, projectbrainsaver
With the present visions of digitization of everything (CORUS)and open source x or y, to VoIP, Autonomy (Blinkx)(?), Microsoft/Yahoo Google search battle to be, and the oh so wide Digital Divide, With mobile phones cheaper to run in war torn Somalia than in the UK and a united, networked world, what is being offered is the tiniest tear in the fabric of the cover over tomorrow. I have been talking with Autonomy / Aungate / Audentify / Softsound regarding the use of their voice technology coupled with their IDOL engine to build the worlds best S*** sorter, a problem sorter and organisation tool that works as much by the use of voice only as possible - it has a web portal as well as a powered by Autonomy people populated 24/7/365 switchboard!
Designed to help people run their lives in an ever more complex world this kit can give you voice control over ANY computer program ever written - giving you power to run any job any computer was designed to work... An executive from Verity called it Enhanced DNA - Real time brain power increase...
The future is the power of computers working their magic on a private and personal level on the long term(200 years plus - saleable now!) data held in world class encrypted storage in constantly flowing data streams of past and present (A strange mix of Google Achitecture and SAN with IBM Webspheres and... (?)) with world class income levels for all the differing avenues - each person sees their own use for their own data - Each group - with the powerful profiling tools used and customisable by the client to suit, with answers from all the data fed in during those long nights alone in Brazil when you were up that mountain with your account and the view.... Did you think of something new? feed it in and off this kit runs to build and sort and even check the feasability and market... or how many disabled people already use a better artificial leg than the one you are about to waste 36 hours designing because you lost your focus... would your design be a better mouse trap? maybe. Someone on this world network might be interested enough to want to talk with you, take it further... it's done if it can be... and it all fits around your ways of working your life best.... A new world ?
projectbrainsaver had this notion in 2000 after listening to a talk by Mike Lynch of Autonomy on UK Radio 4.

The Unknown needle in the haystack...

with this kit and the power of voice you can throw mobile phones into crowds of displaced people and it can link them up based on the sound of the voices of the area/ village / town where they come from ... if father loses son father just has to talk about his son and the son just has to talk and click... sorted...
When the word on the street is contrary to the official word this will show - hot spotting ...

Based on the needs of the Rwandan refugees 1992

So, a wide open playing field with all the tools needed to build some stunning, future filling enterprises and ....

Voice gives the rest of the world the ability to join in

