Wednesday 3 August 2011

GemaTech Call Analyzer GCA from GemaTech

GCA – GemaTech Call Analyzer.

Interactive agent prompting as the call is happening First Call Resolution has been found to be the single most important key challenge to improving Customer Satisfaction. Providing analysis on your agents’ calls is a useful tool but the ultimate aim is to use that analysis in order to improve customer service and profitability. First call resolution is so often the ultimate achievement for contact centres: being able to complete a sale in just one call, or simply to provide all the information the customer needs in one call. This saves time and money as well as delivering the best possible customer satisfaction.

Accuracy and Reliability The key measure of speech analysis is the rate of accuracy a search can produce based on the words or phrases that you are searching on. Analysing spoken word is notoriously difficult because we all speak at different speeds and with different accents therefore pronouncing the same words in an infinite number of different ways.

Call Analyzer uses a sophisticated combination of speech to text, phonetic and key phrase based technology to deliver accuracy rates of between 90 and 97%. To put this into context, the nearest competitor quotes a 70% rate as standard.

Not only does Call Analyzer accurately detect and recall keywords and phrases, the solution can also analyse speech clarity and identify dialog pairs. Dialog pairs are a question and response which should be said during the call, for example:

Agent: Are you happy to confirm acceptance of the contract? Customer: Yes

Speed of Analysis and Business Insight The second measure of successful accuracy is how fast the analysis can be delivered. Currently speech analytics vendors can only analyse calls once an agent has put the phone down after finishing their conversation with a customer. Call Analyzer is the first system to deliver analytics during the call to both an agent and contact centre supervisor seconds after an agent or customer has spoken.

What this enables us to do is then send a message to the agent’s computer screen as they are speaking. This can be particularly useful for example to inform them that they have not said a particular phrase which is required for compliance purposes. This is the best way of ensuring that first call resolution is achieved on every call and that the customer or agent has no reason to call back.

At the same time combined analytic results from across a team of agents can deliver statistics to support root-cause analysis and customer trends.

Tailored and Immediate Reports Results from the live call analytics can be presented in any way the manager requires by being exported into MS SQL, CSV files or other standard formats. This means that the information can be presented at high level, detailed level, pictorially in a graph or pie chart, or in facts and figures if desired. A supervisor who is monitoring the call analytics as they occur will be able to see immediately if an agent has neglected to say certain phrases, or indeed if they have said any negative or rude comments to a customer. Having this ability acts as a fantastic deterrent to any agent who wishes to flout the rules because they don’t think they will be heard.

Professional Services and Supervisor Training Unlike other solutions in the market, Call Analyser does not require the manual intervention of a person with professional skills to configure the system. All the hard work has already been done and forms an integral part of the solution. Our analytics engine leverages the skills that a professional services consultant would provide without introducing the human error. When the administrator who is configuring the system puts in either keywords or phrases, a traffic light system on the screen will change colour from red to amber to green depending upon the suitability of the words entered. In other words, the system advises the user how to best use the system to get the most accurate results so there is no need for a skilled professional to be sitting there beside you helping you configure the system. This is why Call Analyzer is a fast and easy solution to set up.

Speed of ROI Call Analyzer can deliver a fast ROI with easy to measure parameters:

  • Reduce the costs associated with compliance.
  • Reduce the ratio of number of supervisors to agents.
  • Deliver first call resolution to save your contact centre 20-30% of call back time.
  • By delivering training during a call, training time is reduced and money is saved.
  • Introduce home working to save costs and still analyse every call.
  • Reduce the cost per call through first time resolution.

Proof of concept trial The claims that Call Analyzer makes in reducing costs and increasing sales are big ones! We wouldn’t expect you to take our word for it, so we offer a proof of concept trial to show you the results firsthand before committing to the solution. A trial can be up and running in typically a couple of weeks and can be set to analyse a particular team or campaign to compare against traditional methods.

Cloud-based or Customer Premises Based GemaTech offer a choice of delivery options for Call Analyzer. Either have the solution based on your customer premises, or enjoy the cost saving benefits of a pay-as-you-use cloud-based solution.

Multilingual Contact centres do not just cater for the British market and as such Call Analyzer caters for all British dialects as well as 43 different languages.

Call Recording So how does Call Analyzer fit with your existing voice recording equipment? Well quite simply call Analyzer operates completely independently to your existing voice recorder and in no way interferes with your current contact centre set up, making it both easy to implement and a secure solution. Encryption is included just as you would have with your existing call recording solution.