Tuesday 23 August 2011

People For Schapelle Corby

Please Support Schapelle Corby: An Innocent Suffering.
This is the Facebook Group page for the People For Schapelle network. Schapelle needs YOUR help. Please join the global movement to free her.

Schapelle Corby is an innocent Australian woman, who has endured years of cruelty and suffering in the squalor of an Indonesian prison cell. She was sentenced to a political 20 YEARS for importing a few pounds of marijuana, which to her horror ...she discovered in her bag on arrival. There followed the most shocking injustice and human rights abuses.

Incredibly, she has been deserted by her government for political expediency, who have used the media to subdue public opinion. Having had her soul finally broken, she is now confirmed mentally ill... literally dying in a squalid filthy overcrowded cell. Yet appallingly she is still there, with the Australian government doing nothing to help her. She needs YOUR help.

We all know that the smears and propaganda hostile to Schapelle and her family have been unremitting. The efforts to present her as guilty, to present black as white, have been never ending.

The facts, though, speak for themselves. Schapelle.Net puts it like this:

The idea that Schapelle Corby:

• somehow obtained 4.2kg of marijuana, having worked so hard just to earn the money for the flight, with no criminal record, and as a non-drug user

• placed it in her bag and then slashed the plastic bag open to release the smell

• chose to smuggle marijuana to a country where the drug is worth a tiny fraction of its Australian value

• somehow transported, undetected, the pungent smelling bag through Brisbane Domestic airport, Sydney Domestic airport, and Sydney International airport, past check-in staff, sniffer dogs, x-ray machines, CCTV, police, customs and baggage handlers

• put her full name and address on the board bag when she checked in

• openly proclaimed that she owned the bag when it was 'selected' by Indonesian customs

• protested about police/customs handling and therefore contaminating the evidence, which would actually have helped convict her had she placed the drugs

• formally requested that the marijuana be tested for country of origin, which would have added weight against her had it been from Australia

• pleaded for DNA and fingerprint tests which can only have harmed her had she placed them

• refused to even contemplate a plea bargain despite sentencing advantages

• begged for CCTV footage from Sydney and Brisbane airports when even a single frame of a pregnant board bag would have damned her

• requested footage from Denpasar airport which would have validated police claims had they been truthful

• acted out a script so wonderfully at the show trial that she would have swept the board at any Oscar ceremony

• and so much more....

… the idea is clearly absurd. Yet she is still there, deserted.

This is the reality. It is what must be suppressed, and hidden, to stop the public asking questions... questions which are too hot for them to answer.

Why have these facts been hidden and pushed under the carpet for almost seven years? Why have the Australian media lied and smeared against an innocent? Why have the government left her to die, and ignored blatant and ongoing abuses of her human rights?

There are two answers, because there were two pressing needs for the Howard regime in 2005.

ANSWER 1: International Appeasement
Australia’s relationship with Indonesia is of strategic importance, and was already strained when Schapelle was arrested. The Howard/Downer axis in the Australian cabinet would have faced destabilization of that relationship had they confronted the clear and brutal injustice. They sacrificed Schapelle instead, in a calculated act of monumental cowardice and immorality.

ANSWER 2: Domestic Corruption
The corruption and drug syndication at Australian airports was systemic, and included baggage handlers, Customs staff and the Australian Federal Police (AFP). Given that SACL had only recently been privatised, it was also political dynamite. The Ellison/Keelty axis was well aware of this, and managed the situation accordingly.

The cover up and management of this domestic corruption could hardly be more obvious. One example? The Kessing Reports, which documented this alarming situation. The reports validated Schapelle's defence, exposing the incredible criminality. However, not only were they HIDDEN from Schapelle and her lawyers by the AFP and government, but Commissioner Keelty, two weeks before the verdict, stated that: "There is very little intelligence to suggest that baggage handlers are using innocent people to traffic heroin or other drugs between states".

Yet, the AFP actually HAD the reports which proved the exact opposite! They also knew that there was a massive drug operation at Sydney Airport on the very same day and at the very same time as Schapelle passed through, in exactly the same baggage make up area. And this... this is just one example from many.

Schapelle was sacrificed to protect reputations, careers, and commercial interests. She was sacrificed to appease a foreign state and protect investments. These creatures signed a death sentence, and then orchestrated the media campaign against her to cover their tracks.

All this has been known for several years and is largely self evident. However, self evident isn't enough when facing the organs of a state, including its media.

This is the worst kind of political corruption and criminality. It is the grotesque sale of a human life for self interest. It is the flagrant disregard for human rights. As such, it needs to be researched. It needs to be professionally investigated. It needs to be formally documented and proved.

The good news?

The rumours are true. This has been underway for two years, and it is now well advanced. A dedicated project team, from across the world, has worked every hour, often under cover, and in some cases at personal risk.

The result will be a shocking and detailed exposure of the truth... the truth which the government and establishment have hidden for all the YEARS of Schapelle's brutal torture. It is the terrifying truth of what a self-interest government is prepared to do to one of its own citizens.

When finally complete, the project will be launched globally, at a time which is in Schapelle's best interests. This will be announced via the People For Schapelle Newsletter, and the following Twitter account: http://twitter.com/schapellegate/

But this is only the start point... it is the point at which People For Schapelle members will be most needed. We will have to take it to the world. We will need to bypass the Australian government and create a viral tidal wave of truth... a truth that must free Schapelle.

All of us will have a serious role to play in getting the material to every government, every corporation, every newspaper/broadcaster, every humanitarian organization, every citizen, every colleague, every friend, every associate.

We will be Schapelle's army, marching under the banner of integrity and compassion, and using the sword of truth to fight for her. Every one of us can do our bit.

It isn't a cliché.... we are all Schapelle has... we cannot fail her. We won't fail her. Failure is not an option.

Perhaps think about who you can contact and send information to. Perhaps gather email addresses. Perhaps get more people to join the People For Schapelle Facebook group. Prepare.

In the immediate term though, keeping some sort of pressure on the politicians is essential. There is a list of things that help to do this, here:

Some of these sound mundane, but they are critical. We must keep the candle burning. We must make them realize that Schapelle isn't going to be shoved under the carpet to die alone, on a squalid cell floor. We must make them realize that there are thousands prepared to confront them, for her.

Let's get to work, let's build this group, and let's be the voice that they have taken away from Schapelle.

Thank you for thinking about her. Thank you so much for caring.

People For Schapelle

PS: If you have not already subscribed to the People For Schapelle Newsletter, and action alert, just send a blank email to schapelle@u9.org, with a title of 'News'.

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