Thursday 22 September 2011

In a Nutshell - Dale Farm - The Final Solution

In a Nutshell - Dale Farm - The Final Solution


For 10 years Travellers at Dale Farm have made a stand. Gypsies & Travellers are sick and tired of being hearded around the country because the laws and obligations of this country to protect their basic human rights, are not being met by the government of this country and they face discrimination contary to EU laws and The Human  Rights Act.  By the government failing in their legal obligations it is detrimental to their health & life span, infant mortality rates, education, equality of opportunity and family life, as is very well documented and proven. 


Solution 1

The Homes and Communities Agency have offered ‘land and investment’ to resettle Dale Farm residents. This can only happen with the help of Basildon Council. 


A cost effective quick solution that ensures that this countries legal obligations are met and the UK is not tarnished as a EXTREMIST, BARBARIC, INHUMAN and UNLAWFUL state by allowing the continued breaches of basic human rights and discrimination of an ethnic minority group.

Basildon Council Refuses To Co-operate!



Solution 2 

Grant Planning Permission

Tony Ball's declares that he is upholding the law. He is not - planning enforcement is discretionary.

Travellers have not broken the law, they have contravened planning policy.

Planning permission could have been granted under the rural exceptions caveat if Basildon had been determined to meet its legal obligations

Development has taken place on the green beltin other parts of Bsildon. i.e. Billericay School Farm site, Bank Hall and Gloucester Park. Even Dry Street wildlife haven, which the Conservatives vowed to protect, got planning approval for hundreds of so called "aspirational" homes.- Why not Dale Farm??


Legal obligations are met and £28 million pounds is saved.

£18 million for eviction and Up to £10 million to keep the community moving as this perpetual abuse goes on.



Solution 3

A forced eviction of the Travellers at Dale Farm.


The perpetual detriment to their health & life span, infant mortality rates, education, equality of opportunity and family life, and further discrimination.

An £18 million bill 

Up to £10 million to keep the community moving as this perpetual abuse goes on.


Those against a forced eviction include


UK Equality and Human Rights Commission,

The Children’s Commissioner, 

All Party Parliamentary Group,

UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing, 

UN Special Rapporteur to the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 

UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the UN Independent Expert on Minorities to the Human Rights Council, Amnesty International and the Council of 


European Roma and Travellers Forum

International Romani Union have all expressed concern about the threatened eviction of Dale Farm.

Amnesty International


and many many more.


Five leading organisations accuse the governments of "serial abuses" against the housing rights of Roma, Gypsies and Travellers


(The Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE), the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC), the Greek Helsinki Monitor (GHM), the Italian human rights organisation Osservazione, and the Slovak NGO Milan Simecka Foundation (MSF)) issued a joint statement in 2007 accusing 16 European governments of "serial abuses" against the housing rights of Roma, Gypsies and Travellers in Europe - Dale Farm is included. (The Advocacy Project)


Across the UK many Traveller sites have been closed, and the residents evicted and forcibly moved on. 


This is only part of the marginalisation and prejudice Travellers face, and is not just about accommodation but also the criminalisation of a community and a way of life.



The UK Government is undertaking a nation-wide consultation on planning for Traveller sites. It is wrong to carry out the forced eviction of the largest Traveller site in the UK before the consultation has been completed and any new policy debated in Parliament.


Spending 18 million on an avoidable eviction and a further 10 million keeping them moving at a time of cuts is indefensible - it is a huge waste of public money.



The Final Solution is not Forced Eviction