Friday 9 September 2011

SchapelleGate: Australian Federal Police Corruption

Australian Federal Police Corruption

The following letter was sent by Dr Janet Wilson to every member of the Australian Parliament in July 2011.

Dear Prime Minister,

Could I humbly draw your attention to the disturbing suggestion that the AFP should investigate the recently published allegations regarding the placement of marijuana into Schapelle Corby's boogie board bag in October 2004?

Could you please consider this partial list of the many serious issues which would pre-determine the outcome of such a course of action?

1. I would first refer you to the Senate Estimate hearing of 26th May 2011. In a nutshell, Commissioner Negus spent seven minutes shamefully covering for the political prosecution of Allan Kessing. He flatly refused to investigate the appalling suppression of evidence at Mr Kessing's trial, BY THE AFP THEMSELVES, which subverted the course of justice and condemned him.

2. Negus refused to even look at the possibility of re-visiting the whistleblower investigation, despite the new and confirmed evidence that a number of other individuals were able to leak the documents. Contrast this with the extensive operation to investigate and seize the royalties from Schapelle Corby's book, which were desperately needed for a special appeal and for medications. This was undertaken by the AFP with zeal.

3. You will be aware that the Kessing Reports showed systemic corruption and criminality at the airports, and particularly at Sydney. They showed that this crossed multiple agencies and organizations, and that drug syndication was out of control. I refer you Mr Kessing's interview of 4th April 2011:

You will, perhaps, be aware of how politically damaging this information would have been at the time. It was also, however, absolutely critical to Schapelle Corby, and it was WITHHELD and hidden from her throughout.

4. The evidence of drug syndication, including the common use of innocent passengers as mules, was well documented, and the AFP was demonstrably awash with it. You may recall that people were actually coming forward, having found marijuana in their bags when they arrived overseas.

And yet, two weeks before Schapelle Corby's verdict, Commissioner Keelty told the media, and thus the Bali court, that: "There is very little intelligence to suggest that baggage handlers are using innocent people to traffic heroin or other drugs between states". Why do you imagine he said that?

5. Did you know that the Law Council were appalled?. Yet they had no idea that it was not even true, and further, that the AFP KNEW that it was not true.

6. Do you recall that "Operation Mocha" was well underway when Keelty made that statement? This was the operation which netted all those corrupt baggage handlers. It was also the operation under which drugs were being syndicated on the same day, and at the same time, as Schapelle Corby passed through, and it was in exactly the same area. Please check it and see for yourself.

7. Are you aware that the head of Operation Mocha was Mark Standen, currently on trail for conspiring to import $120 million of pre-cursor drugs into Australia?

8. Whatever happened to the charges against all those sacked baggage handlers? Brushing them under the carpet was quite handy in preventing a re-focus on the Schapelle Corby travesty and, of course, on all those grubby areas it was best to keep hidden.

9. Have you never wondered how three Australian airports failed to deliver a single frame of CCTV footage, with Schapelle Corby begging for it? Have you looked at the AFP's comments to the Senate and elsewhere on this disturbing matter, and compared them with other accounts?

10. Have you ever researched the background of AFP corruption at the airports, and considered the words of former officers, like Ray Cooper, and Gary Lee-Rogers (who died of 'natural causes' in a pool of blood, having attempted to whistle blow)?

11. Does it not strike you as rather strange that the AFP should refuse to investigate Schapelle Corby, or seize her bank records in Australia, when she actually begged for a full investigation?

12. Why did the AFP brief the media against Schapelle Corby, and why were multiple statements, which are now known to be entirely false, made to Parliament?

13. Why do you imagine that the Bali police stated that it was the AFP who refused to test the marijuana for country of origin, which Schapelle Corby had formally requested?

14. The Schapelle Corby case threatened not only Australia's political relationship with Indonesia, but the AFP's close working relationship with the INP. Is it not interesting that Commissioner Keelty made so many comments which were damaging to Schapelle Corby, during a period of intense interaction with his INP counterpart and others?

15, Why have the government refused to engage with either of the two international research groups who, for two years, have been intensively investigating and documenting this, and other corruption, relating to Schapelle Corby?

NOTE: This list is a small selection from the substantial catalogue, and I have limited it to public domain information for ease of reference.

Regrettably, the truth of this matter is that the AFP have been on a political mission, fuelled additionally by the self interest motivate to hide internal corruption, indifference and incompetence.

From the very start, the Schapelle Corby case was a serious threat. It risked exposing a shocking web of criminality through the airports, including the role of the police. It was a threat to the commercial interests of Qantas and the newly privatised SACL. It threatened relations with Indonesia.

We know the inevitable outcome, as the government of the day wilfully abandoned and sacrificed her to a terrible fate.

So, could you explain why the AFP would now be allowed to play any role at all, in ANY matter, relating to Schapelle Corby?

Do you really believe that they will do anything which risks exposing a truth which will inevitably damn them?

How many injustices will you allow Schapelle Corby endure, before she escapes her torture by dying horribly on her filthy cell floor?

Or, will you finally act, and bring this mentally ill and innocent woman home to a hospital, whilst you still can?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Janet Wilson (Dr)

"What we have here is a steaming septic pit where everybody is running for cover and refusing to answer simple questions"
~ A Kessing