Thursday 1 September 2011

Tara Hack: Im Not Guilty. Free Schapelle Corby | Marijuana Crimes

Tara Hack: Im Not Guilty. Free Schapelle Corby

This beautiful song tells the true story of Schapelle Corby, an innocent suffering cruelty and abject misery in the hell of an Indonesian prison cell. This outstanding video follows Tara around New York, as she campaigns tirelessly, and includes support messages from dozens of real people in real places across the globe: California, Preston UK, New Orleans, Adelaide (Australia), New Zealand, Ohio, Germany, Virginia, Texas, Macclesfield (UK), Perth (Australia), Tasmania, Dubai, and many many more, with the sequence ending in Canberra, home of the Australian government. Schapelle Corby suffered the most blatant and obvious of show trials for importation of marijuana. No ordinary trial, but one in which the judge refused to test the drugs for country of origin (if they were Indonesian she could not have imported them!), refused to fingerprint the drug bags, and then burned all this evidence so it could never be used to free her! This same judge admitted he had never acquitted anyone in over 500 drug cases! On a daily basis her legal and human rights were grotesquely abused: it is scarecely believable, but it happened. Even the president of Indonesia intervened, urging an example to be made for other Australians! She had no chance whatsoever. None. She was then (in 2005) sentenced to a brutal 20 years in the hell of a squalid and dangerous cell: more than murderers, rapists and terrorists often get. SHE IS STILL THERE NOW – SUFFERING. For the Australian government, after

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Categories: US Marijuana News
Permalink : Marijuana Crimes Report