Monday 3 October 2011

Finding the right Medical Cannabis (MedCan) Strain for You!

Finding the right Medical Marijuanastrain for your condition. Do you prefer 
Sativa or Indica?


To answer this question and to help find the strain that's right for you, read this section and
 learn the knowledge.

Dear Medical Cannabis Patients, 

Because there is large selection of strains, this can sometimes get overwhelming when trying to decide which strain is right for your conditionChoosing is not as difficult as you may think.There are really only two sides of the marijuana family we are talking about here. Indicas and Sativas.

Now, here’s a bit of information about the plant itself. There are three distinctly different kinds of Marijuana/Cannabis. They are: Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis. Cannabis Ruderalis is a variety that grows wild in parts of Eastern Europe and Russia. It’s occasionally used in hybrids (an intentional crossing of two different types of Cannabis) to help the resulting plants be better able to cope with the cold weather. It is not generally thought of as a consumer strain, so we’ll confine our talk to Sativa’s and Indica’s.

Sativas are just about the opposite of indicas. They are tall, thin plants, with much narrower leaves and grow a lighter green in color. They grow very quickly and can reach heights of 20 feet in a single season. They originally come from Colombia, Mexico, Thailand and Southeast Asia. Once flowering has begun, they can take anywhere from 10 to 16 weeks to fully mature. Flavors range from earthy to sweet and fruity. The stone of a Sativa is cerebral, up and energetic.

 Sativa’s, on the other hand, offer more of a “head high”

This type of high is the one most associated with hilarious fits of laughter, long discussions about nothing, enhanced audio and visual senses. You hear things in songs you’ve never heard before, see things in movies you’ve watched a dozen times but never noticed before. 

Strolling through brightly-lit malls becomes a whole new and exciting adventure. In other words, smoking a pure Sativa or mostly Sativa hybrid will make you feel great! Energetic and social and ready for fun! And depending on the particular strain of Sativa/Indica cross you smoke, you may get a good measure of pain relief in the deal as well. 

Consuming (eating) either strain or hybrid of the two results in a stronger, longer-lasting high. But it doesn’t feel as good as smoking the herb does to many who have tried it. It’s a matter of experience and personal taste. It really depends on what effect you are looking for when makingyour selection and choosing a way to ingest it for your condition. 

 Indicas originally come from the hash producing countries of the world like Afghanistan, Morocco, and Tibet. They are short dense plants, with broad leaves and often grow a darker green. After flowering starts they will be mature in 6 to 8 weeks. The buds will be thick and dense, with flavors and aromas ranging from pungent skunk to sweet and fruity. The smoke from an Indica is generally a body type stone, relaxing and laid back.

The “high” a person experiences when smoking a sufficient amount of pure or mostly pureIndica-- such as Warlock or Medicine Man-- is more of a heavy “body stone”. 

You may feel lethargic, tired, unwilling to attend to reality tasks. Experienced users call this “Couch Lock”. You really just want to let alone to sit and think deep, intellectual thoughts as youenjoy the pain relief. 

You may find it very hard to stay awake as well, so this sort of strain would be good for those having trouble sleeping. This is the best sort of “high” for easing pain and most of the other symptoms these conditions. 

A good Indica/Sativa cross can also offer the best of both worlds. There are many breeders who work hard to develop strains that will accomplish just that-- give you a great head high coupled with a relaxing and definitely medically-beneficial strong body stone. 

Combining different indicas, different sativas or a combination thereof creates hybrids. The resulting hybrid strains will grow, mature and smoke in relationship to the indica/sativa percentages they end up containing.

 All of the strains are potent. 

The success of the eventual outcome will depend on your personal tastes and the conditions in which they are grown. Nobody tests the THC percentages of most strains and we are not really sure what the numbers mean when they do. THC is found in the resin glands that form on the plant during the maturation process. 

These glands act as a shield to protect the seed from the searing heat of the sun. From our experience this is needed more in a hot, dry atmosphere, than a hot humid one. To maximize resin production drop the humidity in the room for the flowering stage, the lower the better. But no matter how much resin you induce on an indica it's still not going to give you the stone of a sativa, so it does have a lot to do with your personal tastes and expectations.

 All of the yields for the strains are approximate and depends a lot on how they are grown and the quality of the environment. Indoor lights don't penetrate down very far so it is better to grow a larger number of smaller plants to achieve the highest yield of top quality bud. Maximum yields indoors are coming from indicas and mostly indica hybrids, while the more sativa in the mix, the lower the yields tend to be.

The yield indoors is really limited only by the amount of light available, not the strain you choose. Given that it is a good growing environment, you can expect the yield to be about the same from any strain in relationship to its indica/sativa content. It is up to your designated marijuana growerto maximize the plant's potential in his space.

The most desirable strains for medical use are ones that have been genetically developed by experts to have an extremely low CBN concentration while maintaining an available range of THC concentrates. 

Effects of Indica (lower THC, higher CBN/CBD):

Ind generally more physical than cerebral (however, the relief of physical symptoms can have a positive psychological effect)
Ind sedation, pain relief and relaxation
Ind best for later in the day and bedtime
Ind perhaps better for anxiety than depression

Ind reduces pain
Ind muscle relaxant
Ind relieves spasms, reduces seizures
Ind reduces inflammation
Ind aids sleep
Ind reduces anxiety and stress
Ind reduces nausea
Ind stimulates appetite
Ind relieves headaches and migraines
Ind reduces intra-occular pressure
Ind bronchio-dilator and expectorant

       Effects of Sativa (high THC, low CBN/CBD):

Sat more stimulating and uplifting
Sat energizing and thought provoking
Sat increases focus and creativity
Sat supports immune system
Sat best for use in daytime

Sat reduces nausea
Sat stimulates the appetite
Sat fights drepression
Sat positive, uplifting, cerebral effect
Sat energizes and stimulates
Sat promotes creativity
Sat relieves headaches and migraines
Sat relaxes muscles, relieves pain
Sat acts as an expectorant

Selecting the Best Strain and Dosage

The efficacy of cannabis is directly related to strain selection. Care should be taken when selecting strains that will benefit you. Potency and dosage vary with different strains, conditions and individuals. The idea is to consume as little as possible of the most appropiately potent strains available in order to reduce costs and potential side effects.

Hybrid Stain Crosses:

Most cannabis seeds and medicine available today are from hybrids - crosses of Sativa and Indica varieties. This allows cultivators to enjoy and select for various desired characteristics of growth, appearance and effect. 

The genetics and hence the effects of one lineage will usually be dominant. For example: Indica-dominant crosses are for pain relief, with the sativa component helping with energy and activity levels.

Sativa-dominant crosses are good for stimulating appetite, with the indica component helping to reduce body pain and increase relaxation.

Cannabis has been proven helpful in relieving the symptoms of thousands of conditions, including:


Hyb pain from various ailments and injuries
Hyb arthritis, bursitis
Hyb migrains
Hyb multiple sclerosis
Hyb hepatitis C
Hyb fibromyalgia
Hyb mental/emotional health issues including anxiety, stress, depression,hyperactive and hormonal disorders
Hyb nausea and low appetite
Hyb cancer and chemotherapy
Hyb crohn's
Hyb muscular dystrophy
Hyb epilepsy, parkinson's
Hyb asthma, emphysema
Hyb glaucoma and other intra-ocular disorders
Hyb skin diseases such as pruritis and psoriasis
Hyb back pain and muscle spasms
Hyb paraplegia and quadriplegia
Hyb insomnia and other sleep disorders

Active ingredients: (Cannabinoids)

There are approximately 60 indentified cannabinoids and each of an infinite number of strains of cannabis has its own cannabinoid profile.

The active cannabinoids each have unique physiological effects and many combinations actually appear to have synergystic and antagonistic effects.

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC):
Euphoric, stimulant, muscle relaxant, anti-epileptic, anti-emetic, anti-inflammatory, appetite stimulating, bronchio-dilating, hypotensive, anti-depressant and analgesic effects.

Cannabidiol (CBD):
Lessens the psychoactive effects of THC and has sedative and analgesic effects.

Promotes the effects of THC and has sedative and analgesic effects.

Cannabigerol (CBG):
Has sedative effects and anti-microbial properties as well as lowering intra-ocular pressure. CBG is the biogenetic precursor of all other cannabinoids.

Cannabinol (CBN):
A mildly psychoactive degradation of THC, it's primary effects are as an anti-epileptic, and to lower intra-ocular pressure.

We have at least ten strains of high quality marijuana to smoke ranging from 100% Sativa and 100% Indica to Sativa/Indica hybrid crosses, instead of using Heavy Narcotic Pharmaceuticals like Oxycontin or Morphine. 

I'll help you select the best strain and dosage to help you forget about your pain yet still allow you to function in your everyday life, not leaving you stuck on the couch. 

What makes me different is that I treat you as a patient, not just a client in business. I take your needs personally and I'll find the right marijuana strain for your condition.

Where can I get medical marijuana?

Are you a Licensed (MMAR) Canada Medical Marijuana Patient? - You Can 

Register here for your 
FREE medical marijuana sample.