Tuesday 4 October 2011

Global Voices · Indigenous Rights

Indigenous Rights


TranslationsThis post also available in:

Español · Derechos IndígenasIndigenous Rights
Français · Dossier peuples indigènes

Paulina Aguilera MuñozThis page is dedicated to the memory of Global Voices author Paulina Aguilera Muñoz.

Table of Contents

Indigenous protest, Brazil. Image by Talita Oliveira.

Indigenous protest, Brazil. Image by Talita Oliveira.

There are up to 370 million indigenous people in the world, speaking more than 4,000 languages, and living in more than 70 countries. Indigenous peoples have resisted time, colonization, genocide, epidemics and wars, and are now reemerging with louder voices across the globe. In the struggle for survival and recognition, they use the Internet to connect with other citizens in their countries and worldwide.

Global Voices Online actively seeks the voices of indigenous peoples in online citizen media around the world. See also our special coverage, Forest Focus: Amazon.

Please contact Global Voices contributor Silvia Viñas if you have links or story ideas from any part of the world, or are an indigenous organisation that wants to be added to our resources list.

What we do: Global Voices bloggers report on how citizens use the Internet and social media to make their voices heard, often translating from other languages.

In collaboration with:
Global Voices in Aymara

Bolivian women in traditional dress. Flickr: szeke (CC BY 2.0).

Bolivian women in traditional dress. Flickr: szeke (CC BY 2.0).

South America

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Featured South America Posts

South America Resources

Argentina | Bolivia | Brazil | Chile | Chile: Mapuche People | Colombia | Ecuador | El Salvador | Paraguay | South America


  • LMA IACIA QOM [es] - Official website of the Toba Qom indigenous community of La Primavera




  • Centro de Políticas Públicas [es] - Group promoting the participation of indigenous communities and organizations in public policy decisions that affect them
  • Indigenous News [en] - Run by Project ISD, Indigenous News provides periodic updates on Chile\'s Indigenous population
  • Observatorio Ciudadano [es] - Nongovernmental organization promoting advocacy, promotion and documentation of indigenous rights
  • Save Rapanui [en] - Website devoted to the Rapanui Peoples

Chile: Mapuche People



  • Sarayaku [es] - Official site of the Pueblo Kichwa of Sarayaku
  • The Cofan Survival Fund (Fundación para la Sobrevivencia del Pueblo Cofan) [en, es] - Non-profit organization with Cofán leadership dedicated to the survival of the Cofán indigenous culture and its Amazonian rainforest environment

El Salvador


South America

Tribeswoman, Panama. Flickr: Marc Veraart (CC BY-ND 2.0).

Tribeswoman, Panama. Flickr: Marc Veraart (CC BY-ND 2.0).

Central America

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Featured Central America Posts

Central America Resources

Guatemala | Honduras | Nicaragua | Panama | Central America



  • Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular [es] - The official website of the resistance to the coup in Honduras with messages straight from those fighting to restore democracy


  • Turkulka [es] - Website of the indigenous languages of the Chibchan family spoken by the Rama people on the island of Rama Cay and south of lake Bluefields on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua


Central America

Maka Zi (Yellow Earth), Siouan (Sioux) and Yankton Tribe. Flickr: Wisconsin Historical Images (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).

Maka Zi (Yellow Earth), Siouan (Sioux) and Yankton Tribe. Flickr: Wisconsin Historical Images (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).

North America

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Featured North America Posts

North America Resources

Canada | Mexico | USA


  • Aboriginal Canada Portal [en, fr]
  • Barriere Lake Solidarity - BLS is a network of people from outside of the Algonquin community Barriere Lake who are working with the community to support their struggle
  • Defenders of the Land [en] - Network of Indigenous Communities across Canada who are united in defense of our lands, Indigenous rights, and Mother Earth
  • First Nations Summit - Provides a forum for First Nations in British Columbia to address issues related to Treaty negotiations as well as other issues of common concern
  • Honouring Life Network [en, fr, iu] - Aboriginal youth suicide prevention network run by the National Aboriginal Health Organization in Canada
  • Media Indigena - Interactive, multimedia magazine dedicated to Indigenous news, views and creative expression
  • Sinixt Nation [en] - Traditional, sovereign caretakers of land located in the interior of BC, Canada
  • @UBCIC - Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs was founded in 1969 to fight Canada's White Paper and to defend Indigenous Title & Rights



  • Black Mesa Water Coalition - Dedicated to preserving and protecting Mother Earth and the integrity of Indigenous Peoples' cultures, with the vision of building sustainable and healthy communities
  • Goodfox [en] - The personal blog of Julia Goodfox, citizen of the Pawnee Nation (from the Kitkahahki band) and Professor at the American Indian Studies Program at a Tribal college
  • Honor the Earth - Native environmental movement
  • Indian Law Resource Centre - Dedicated to protecting the right of indigenous peoples to live with dignity and respect according to the ways of their ancestors
  • Indigenous Action [en] - Provides strategic media support and action to directly address issues impacting Indigenous communities in the United States
  • Klamath Justice Coalition - Indigenous non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and maintaining the uniqueness of Native peoples throughout the Americas
  • Native American Culture [en] - Blog
  • Native American Rights Fund [en] - Provides legal representation and technical assistance to Indian tribes, organizations and individuals
  • Native American Sites [en] - Collection of links
  • O'odham Solidarity Across Borders Collective [en] - Made up Akimel O'odham and Tohono O'odham youth who are pressing against the ongoing colonization of our traditional lands
  • Protect Glen Cove [en] - Glen Cove is a sacred gathering place and burial ground that has been utilized by numerous Native American tribes since at least 1,500 BC
  • The Seventh Generation Fund - Indigenous non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and maintaining the uniqueness of Native peoples throughout the Americas
  • Urban Native Girl Stuff [en] - Culture with an indigenous twist

H'mong baby, Vietnam. Flickr: linh.ngân (CC BY 2.0).

H'mong baby, Vietnam. Flickr: linh.ngân (CC BY 2.0).


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Featured Asia Posts

Asia Resources

Asia | Borneo | India | Malaysia | Papua New Guinea | Philippines | Taiwan | West Papua



  • The Borneo Project - Working over the last twenty years to support indigenous and frontline communities in Borneo


  • Friends of the Chakmas (FOTC) - Global initiative to campaign for support and solidarity of the Chakma people
  • India Unheard [en] - IndiaUnheard is the first ever community news service launched by video volunteers
  • Sanhati [en] - Our aim is to provide a platform for evolving news, analyses, debates pertaining to the political economy of India and the world, with special emphasis on West Bengal


  • Center for Orang Asli Concerns - Committed to information and commentary on the Orang Asli, the indigenous minority peoples of Peninsular Malaysia
  • Radio Free Sarawak - An independent radio station in Sarawak, Malaysia, presented in Iban by Papa Orang Utan, “our own man from the jungle of Sarawak!”


Papua New Guinea

  • Porgera Alliance - The Porgera Alliance’s purpose is to seek justice for human rights, indigenous rights and environmental abuse, and to protect human rights and indigenous land rights in Porgera and Papua New Guinea as a whole
  • The Watut Cries - An avenue for the Watut people of Papua New Guinea's Morobe province to speak out against the pollution of the Watut river and the destruction of their lives by large scale mining


  • The Cordillera Peoples Alliance - An independent federation of progressive peoples organizations, most of them grassroots-based organizations among indigenous communities in the Cordillera Region, Philippines


  • Atayal - We enjoy introducing the world to the diversity and wisdom of the indigenous people of Taiwan through our projects

West Papua

  • West Papua Media Alerts [en] - West Papua Media Alerts reports the latest independently verifiable news from West Papua

Ndebele tribeswoman, South Africa. Flickr: United Nations Photo (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).

Ndebele tribeswoman, South Africa. Flickr: United Nations Photo (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).


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Featured Global/Other Posts

Global/Other Resources

Assyrian people | Australia | Botswana | Kenya | International | Nigeria | Norway | Russia

Assyrian people


  • Aboriginal Tent Embassy - Controversial semi-permanent assemblage claiming to represent the political rights of Australian Aborigines
  • Central Land Council - Elected body that represents all Aboriginal people in the southern part of the Northern Territory
  • Save Lake Cowal - Community campaign that focues on protecting the cultural and ecological significance of Lake Cowal


  • First People of the Kalahari - “The government has forced us off our ancestral land, and now we live in resettlement camps. We want to go home.”


  • OGIEK - Supports the rights of all Ogiek people in East Africa



  • @indigenousissue - Working on indigenous peoples issues around the world
  • IndigenousTweets.com - Indigenous language users on Twitter
  • @IndigMapNetwork - Dynamic supportive professional network for Indigenous / Native American / First Nations / Tribal / Aboriginal map and GIS enthusiasts
  • @Survival - We help tribal peoples defend their lives, protect their lands and determine their own futures




  • Saami Council - Voluntary Saami organization (a non–governmental organization), with Saami member organizations in Finland, Russia, Norway and Sweden
  • The Resource Centre for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples [en, no, sami] - Aims to increase information about the rights of Saami and other indigenous peoples by building up a documentation and resource base


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