Tuesday 18 October 2011

[iai.europe.en] Dale Farm eviction tomorrow, wednesday 19 October 2011>>> residents are asking for support!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: International Alliance of Inhabitants <newsletter@habitants.org>
Date: 18 October 2011 13:42
Subject: [iai.europe.en] Dale Farm eviction tomorrow, wednesday 19 October 2011>>> residents are asking for support!
To: iai.europe.en@list.habitants.org

We are expecting an eviction at Dale Farm (UK) tomorrow, wednesday 19 October 2011, and residents are asking for support!
Please come down tonight if you can and spread the word! Briefing at DF 9pm, and another one tomorrow 8 am.
Please pass this on, tweet it, txt it, call your friends! Arrange to come down together.
Only significant numbers can stop the eviction from going ahead.
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