Friday 7 October 2011

The Obama Administration Declares Open War On Medical Marijuana

The Obama Administration Declares Open War On Medical Marijuana

Joe | Oct 07, 2011 | Comments 10

Last night shock waves were sent through the cannabis community when the AP reported that the federal government has launched an attack on medical marijuana in California.

In an escalation of the ongoing conflict between the U.S. government and the nation’s burgeoning medical marijuana industry, California’s s four U.S. attorneys sent letters Wednesday and Thursday notifying at least 16 pot shops or their landlords that they are violating federal drug laws, even though medical marijuana is legal in California. The attorneys are scheduled to announce their coordinated crackdown at a Friday news conference.

420times 000012764290XSmall 198x300 The Obama Administration Declares Open War On Medical Marijuana

It’s odd that The Obama Administration can’t seem to stand up to Republicans or foreign countries or even manage a coherent political strategy in foreign or domestic policy, but they can find the backbone to go after sick people in California.

Barack Obama doesn’t have the fainest idea how to create jobs or end wars, but he does know one thing: he doesn’t like medical marijuana.

Calling “federal efforts to shut down licensed dispensaries in California is a full frontal attack by the Obama Administration,” Kris Hermes at Americans For Safe Access told The 420 Times “it’s unclear if the federal government has the resources or inclination to act on any of these threats, but for the price of postage they are engaged in wholesale intimidation.”

“By shutting down dispensaries, the Obama Administration is pushing legal patients into the illicit market,” Kris said. “In addition to the unnecessary harm this policy brings, it is a tremendous waste of taxpayer dollars at a time of fiscal crisis.”

The Fed crackdown is supposed to be made official today. Barack Obama has been very clear in his dislike for marijuana – at least since his flip-flop on the issue upon taking office – and has been very clear in the fact that he doesn’t care whether sick people have safe and reliable access to medical cannabis.

The millions of cannabis users who voted for Obama in 2008 should no longer care whether he has a job or not. Let him join the millions that have become unemployed since he took office.

- Joe Klare

Filed Under: 420 Times ExclusivesActivismBest Of The BestExclusive Web ContentMedical Marijuana NewsPoliticsThe War On Drugs


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  1. Travis Wood says:

    Obama is just pissed off because CA didnt legalize crack!!!

  2. DankPursuit says:

    Wow, Obama’s daughters and his daughters friends must be really proud! His efforts to continue the ever thriving black market for marijuana is making a lot of criminals prison owners very rich.

  3. Taylor says:

    Californians! Ignore this Federal bullying! Nullify this unconstitutional Federal law! Let your Representatives know that you want them to stand up for your rights! Keep up the good fight!

  4. America says:

    Barack Obama is absolutely the worst president this country has ever had. He should be ashamed his despicable anti-American actions. I call for the immediate impeachment of this president who is so obviously delusional his actions threaten the well being of the USA. He is waging war against the citizens of the USA and guess what, we are going to fight back.

  5. richard says:

    Stand up and fight so we can end the war on the people of this great country.

  6. Michael says:

    Just like excpected, guys it’s not Obamas choice i beleive, it’s the real OWNERS of the country who own the big pharma… if weed got legal, it would kill a lot of drugs wich are not needed (because marijuana is medicine).

    Illegal marijuana today, is just as absurd as people beleiving in the US government to do anything right. They only want to start new wars on something, and fuck things more up.

  7. dbolen says:

    Obama is a coward ass president who has no war experience. This guy needs to be thrown from his thrown and fed to china. Stand up America for are rights, for are Freedom, For are Country.

  8. AAAAANDRE says:

    Hey, here’s an idea… How about #OccupyPotShops?

    In 45 days all medical marijuana patients surround their local pot shop to block the feds!???

  9. GuerrillaNoise says:

    The only reason pot was made illegal in the first place was the corporations didnt want it interfering with their timber & chemical products’ bottom lines. once you understand that its not a stretch at all to say that the corporations currently being protested world wide could have had an influence in these very oddly timed actions by the president. especially right after the fast & furious fiasco the DoJ just pulled & got away with. wouldnt this create more business for those cartels we are trying to shut down? oh wait bigger cartels means bigger military/police state which means more money into the prison & arms corporations who also happen to be major political contributors. follow where the money goes its not difficult at all these smug bastards dont even bother covering their trails cus the populace is too blind to bother with…

  10. AAAAANDRE says:

    Hey, here’s an idea… How about “OccupyPotShops”?

    In 45 days all medical marijuana patients surround their local pot shop to block the feds!???