Monday 3 October 2011

'Let our people go' - Free Dakta Green. | Scoop News

'Let our people go' - Free Dakta Green.

'Let our people go' - Free Dakta Green.

The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party are calling for their New Lynn candidate to be released from jail immediately.

ALCP leader Michael Appleby said he was outraged at the injustice met out to Dakta Green in the Court of Appeal on Friday September 30.

His sentence was almost tripled from 8 months to 23 months in jail.

“The Daktory was run according to Law Commission recommendations, including social dealing, R18 age limit and was not for profit,” Mr Appleby said.

On page 29 of the Law Commission review of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975, recommendation 66 states that “there should be a statutory presumption against imprisonment in cases of social dealing.”

Recommendation 67: “The presumption should only apply when the offending is not motivated by profit.”

Recommendation 68: “The presumption should apply to all dealing offenses but should not apply when the dealing is to a person under the age of 18 years.”

Mr Appleby said Dakta Green was openly protesting prohibition of cannabis and was punished for his actions and his honesty.

"He is now New Zealand’s most high profile political prisoner because he was an easy target and did not hide his activities from police."

“Dakta Green does not deserve this heavy handed, unfair treatment, where the severity of the sentence far outweighs the gravity of the offense.”

The ALCP commended Judge Gittos who originally made arrangements for Dakta to be released in time to campaign in the election.

“The Crown has shown disregard for Judge Gittos and the Law Commission report,” Mr Appleby said.

“Is this a ploy to take our most high profile candidate out of the election?”