Friday 18 November 2011

Legal Proceedings Have Been Issued Against The Home Secretary | CLEAR

Legal Proceedings Have Been Issued Against The Home Secretary


Legal Remedies part 5

Secretary of State for the Home Department

An application for permission for judicial review has been issued against the Home Secretary by Des Humphrey with Cannabis Law Reform (CLEAR) cited as an interested party.

Des Humphrey is leader of CLEAR in Wales and director of the Cannabis Truth roadshow.  He is a British Army veteran who suffered a major spinal injury whilst on active service and now uses cannabis to relieve chronic pain and spasms.  He is prescribed Sativex, the cannabis medicine, by his doctor and while it is helpful, he finds that specific strains of expertly grown herbal cannabis work far more effectively.

Des Humphrey

Des has approached the Home Office for a licence to grow cannabis for his personal medicinal use.  Really he just wants to do exactly what GW Pharmaceuticals does but in a very small way.  He has made it clear that he is prepared to comply with whatever reasonable licensing requirements the Home Office stipulates.

The Home Office has  refused even to consider his application.  We believe that this amounts to misuse of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 which requires the Home Secretary to provide for licensing for the production of cannabis for legitimate purposes

We cannot be confident that this effort will succeed.  It may fall at the first fence and we may be denied permission for a hearing.  However, this is the beginning of a path which we are determined to follow. Justice must be done and we will not flinch from our efforts to do so.  Des Humphrey has fought for his country already.  Now we must fight for him, that his country should honour and respect him and his right to the medicine that he needs.

The Legal Remedies campaign

Legal Remedies – A Call To Action

Legal Remedies – Opening Salvo

Legal Remedies part 4

The principles upon which Des is taking action are exactly the same as those in which more than 30 people are applying to the Home Office for a licence to import Bedrocan medicinal cannabis.

The Home Office now seems to be ignoring the applications for import licences.  The next stage is to write again, this time by recorded delivery post.  Those participating in the campaign will shortly be contacted with full instructions.