Thursday 1 December 2011

2011, Los Angeles Times - Occupy protests On Sept. 17, hundreds of people protested against Wall Street greed in Lower Manhattan and marched up Broadway; about 150 people stayed overnight in Zuccotti Park, a privately owned public space near Wall Street.

Occupy protests
On Sept. 17, hundreds of people protested against Wall Street greed in Lower Manhattan and marched up Broadway; about 150 people stayed overnight in Zuccotti Park, a privately owned public space near Wall Street. Since then, while living in the park, the protesters have sponsored rallies and marches on most days — and the movement has thrived. Between 1,000 and 1,500 people have reportedly been arrested in protests across the United States, with the largest numbers in New York, Boston and Chicago. Primer | Photos | Videos | Panoramic photos | Live video



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Eviction pushes Occupy protesters in new directions

11:02 PM PST, November 30, 2011

Eviction pushes Occupy protesters in new directions

Within hours of the dismantling of the largest of the remaining Occupy Wall Street-inspired encampments outside Los Angeles City Hall, organizers were framing the eviction as a new beginning.

Left behind: Occupiers' treasures become the city's trash

11:03 PM PST, November 30, 2011

Left behind: Occupiers' treasures become the city's trash

There were vinyl albums by Etta James and the punk band X. There were cosmetic kits, one with seven kinds of nail polish. There were sleeping bags, luggage, cutlery, a small red guitar with a broken neck and a collection of Ernest Hemingway stories.

To clear Occupy camp, LAPD uses new tactics

December 1, 2011

To clear Occupy camp, LAPD uses new tactics

When the end came, it came swiftly and with the shock of an overwhelming force.

Un-Occupying L.A.

December 1, 2011


Un-Occupying L.A.

After weeks of uncertainty about when and how the endgame would play out, the Occupy L.A. eviction was the best possible outcome, a tribute to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Chief Charlie Beck and a disciplined, creative Los Angeles Police Department. Clearly, the Monday morning dress rehearsal had provided police and protesters ample preparation for the real thing, and both sides showed admirable restraint in the unavoidable confrontation that occurred in the early hours of Wednesday.

LAPD and Occupy L.A. protesters face off

12:17 AM PST, November 30, 2011

LAPD and Occupy L.A. protesters face off

Occupy L.A. protesters, whose eight-week encampment on the City Hall lawn has become a political hot potato for city leaders, were locked in a tense standoff with police at one downtown intersection late Tuesday as demonstrators vowed to resist efforts to evict them.

Three inconvenient truths for Occupy Wall Street

November 30, 2011


Three inconvenient truths for Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street supporters are claiming credit for at least one political accomplishment: elevating the issue of income inequality to the top of the national conversation.

Put Occupy L.A. on the road

November 30, 2011

Steve Lopez: Put Occupy L.A. on the road

I found several used buses for sale on Craigslist on Tuesday, at prices as low as $900, and here's my advice to Occupy L.A.:

In clearing Occupy site, time is on LAPD's side, chief says

November 29, 2011

In clearing Occupy site, time is on LAPD's side, chief says

After a flurry of eviction threats, street protests and court maneuvering, Occupy L.A. remained standing on the City Hall lawn Monday evening — prompting debate about the caution displayed by city leaders seeking to avoid violent clashes seen in other cities.

Tensions grow at Occupy L.A. as deadline nears

10:43 PM PST, November 27, 2011

Tensions grow at Occupy L.A. as deadline nears

Activists and L.A. officials faced difficult choices over the next phase of the Occupy L.A. movement as a 12:01 Monday deadline approached for the departure of nearly 700 protesters from an encampment on City Hall grounds.

November 29, 2011

As the rich-poor gap widens, so does debate about what it means

Fewer than 50 miles separate the poorest city of its size in the U.S. from the prosperous suburbs of Philadelphia, a corridor of wealth with few rivals. There's an $80,000 difference between the average household incomes. The poverty rates — Reading's is above 40% — don't even compare.

LAPD's approach to Occupy L.A. will be put to the test

November 27, 2011

LAPD's approach to Occupy L.A. will be put to the test

When the tents started spreading out across the City Hall lawn seven weeks ago, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck quickly realized that the Occupy L.A. protest could become a defining moment for his department.

Occupy Long Beach hampered by city ordinance

November 27, 2011

Occupy Long Beach hampered by city ordinance

The white neon clock at the park couldn't be missed. It was 10:03 p.m. At the northeast entrance to Lincoln Park in Long Beach, a handful of people were on the move. Some were dragging a blue tarp from the grass to the sidewalk along Pacific Avenue while others were folding chairs. Nearby, sleeping bags were laid out, side by side, on the concrete.

Occupy L.A.: The eviction that wasn't

November 29, 2011

Out Here

Occupy L.A.: The eviction that wasn't

As Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's deadline for Occupy L.A. drew near, hundreds of people hurried toward the encampment on the grounds of City Hall, as if the tower were a signpost in the dark. Protesters carried their now-familiar signs, and revolutionary book sellers set out their wares. Sympathizers brought crates of food, Occupy tourists brought their dogs, and drummers supplied a continuous beat.

Some vow civil disobedience at Occupy L.A.; others plan to leave

6:37 PM PST, November 26, 2011

Some vow civil disobedience at Occupy L.A.; others plan to leave

Inside his plywood "Temple of the Collective Consciousness," Victor Pantoja said the city's plan to evict Occupy L.A. was just the latest thing to create an ornery mood among some of the counterculture veterans, young leftists and down-and-out campers at City Hall.

Occupy L.A. offers a hands-on civics lesson for students, teachers

8:32 PM PST, November 25, 2011

Occupy L.A. offers a hands-on civics lesson for students, teachers

Who says history has to be about dead men and a dreary assortment of dates and names?

Los Angeles officials want Occupy camp gone by next week

November 24, 2011

Los Angeles officials want Occupy camp gone by next week

Los Angeles officials want Occupy L.A. protesters to ditch their City Hall encampment by next week so the city can begin restoring the 1.7-acre park where the group has been living for nearly two months.

Villaraigosa announces impending shutdown of Occupy L.A. camp

November 26, 2011

Villaraigosa announces impending shutdown of Occupy L.A. camp

The City Hall park where Occupy Los Angeles protesters are camped will be closed at 12:01 a.m. Monday, according to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa,triggering what officials hope will be an end to the nation's largest remaining Occupy camp.

Occupy L.A., city inching into endgame for City Hall camp

November 23, 2011

Occupy L.A., city inching into endgame for City Hall camp

The first outlines of an endgame for Occupy Los Angeles began taking shape as protesters considered a controversial package of incentives to encourage the peaceful resolution of their seven-week demonstration and details emerged of a possible Monday deadline for protesters to leave their City Hall camp.

Buying off Occupy L.A.

November 23, 2011


Buying off Occupy L.A.

If the Occupy L.A. protesters will just leave their tent city at City Hall, officials promise to supply them with offices. And a farm. And a place to live, for the homeless demonstrators who have drifted over to the encampment from skid row. And, er, how about a pony? Would you guys leave if we gave you a pony?

Holiday reflection, and resolve, at Occupy L.A.

November 25, 2011

Holiday reflection, and resolve, at Occupy L.A.

When Thanksgiving Day arrived at Occupy L.A. on Thursday, campers greeted the occasion in true revolutionary form: They boycotted the holiday's name.

Occupy L.A. receives offer to decamp

November 22, 2011

Occupy L.A. receives offer to decamp

Los Angeles officials have offered Occupy L.A. protesters a package of incentives that includes downtown office space and farmland in an attempt to persuade them to abandon their camp outside of City Hall, according to several demonstrators who have been in negotiations with the city.

UC Davis chief launches probe into pepper-spraying of Occupy protesters

November 20, 2011

UC Davis chief launches probe into pepper-spraying of Occupy protesters

As some faculty members called for her ouster, the chancellor of UC Davis launched an inquiry Saturday into the pepper-spraying of apparently peaceful Occupy Davis protesters by campus police.

UC president vows to review police procedures at campuses

6:29 PM PST, November 20, 2011

UC president vows to review police procedures at campuses

Two UC Davis campus police officers have been placed on paid administrative leave over their controversial use of pepper spray on student protesters, university officials announced Sunday as the UC system president said he was "appalled" by the incident and promised a review of police procedures at all 10 UC campuses.

Portland pepper spray incident generates iconic Occupy photo

Portland pepper spray incident generates iconic Occupy photo

The dramatic photo of a young woman getting a blast of pepper spray on her face during a mostly peaceful Occupy protest in Portland is destined to become an enduring image of the national movement.

Occupy Portland dispersal a tough call for mayor

5:42 PM PST, November 19, 2011

Occupy Portland dispersal a tough call for mayor

Portland Mayor Sam Adams, the first openly gay man to lead a major American city, is no stranger to street protest — he's been in the middle of more than he can count. He's battled for bike lanes, railed against social services funding cuts and led the charge for green buildings.

Occupy L.A. is more hassle than boon to L.A. Mall merchants

November 19, 2011

Occupy L.A. is more hassle than boon to L.A. Mall merchants

With the Occupy L.A. tent community just steps from the L.A. Mall, one might expect the underground retail center to be reaping the benefits of the growing crowd.

Hundreds held in Occupy protests across nation

November 18, 2011

Hundreds held in Occupy protests across nation

Reporting from Los Angeles and New York -- Hundreds of people were arrested across the country Thursday in a series of sometimes confrontational street demonstrations protesting efforts to break up Occupy Wall Street-inspired camps.

How will Occupy L.A. end?

November 18, 2011


How will Occupy L.A. end?

Occupy L.A. has occupied the grounds outside City Hall for nearly two months. City leaders, to their credit, did not pick a fight but welcomed the protesters and allowed them to camp out. But it's crunch time now. New York has dispersed its Occupy demonstrators, Oakland has battled with its activists, and it is becoming clear that Los Angeles is disinclined to allow its protesters to stay too much longer.

San Francisco police arrest 100 in Bank of America protest

November 17, 2011

San Francisco police arrest 100 in Bank of America protest

Protesters in the Occupy Wall Street movement seized a Bank of America branch in the city's financial district Wednesday, a demonstration that forced jittery customers and employees to flee and ended in nearly 100 arrests.

City Hall occupation's days may be numbered

11:42 PM PST, November 15, 2011

City Hall occupation's days may be numbered

With Occupy protesters cleared out of camps in Oakland, Portland and New York in recent days, the encampment of tents surrounding Los Angeles City Hall is among the biggest and last such protests still standing. But on Tuesday, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck said it cannot stand indefinitely.

Students protest at several California universities

11:41 PM PST, November 15, 2011

Students protest at several California universities

Reporting from Berkeley and Fullerton -- As Occupy Wall Street campers faced off with authorities around the nation, students on several California university campuses rallied in solidarity with the movement and to protest education cuts and rising tuition.

Oakland site cleared, but protest lives

November 15, 2011

Oakland site cleared, but protest lives

Just 12 hours after police dismantled the Occupy Oakland tent city in a peaceful predawn raid, about 700 protesters returned to the civic center plaza Monday evening, vowing to keep their movement alive but undecided about whether to defy police and retake the site of their monthlong protest.

Where to go from Zuccotti Park?

11:06 PM PST, November 15, 2011

Where to go from Zuccotti Park?

The ground had barely dried in New York's freshly scrubbed Zuccotti Park when hundreds of angry Occupy Wall Street protesters crowded around its perimeter, staring down grim-faced riot police and vowing to reclaim the space.

New York police clearing protesters from Occupy Wall Street site

November 15, 2011

New York police clearing protesters from Occupy Wall Street site

Occupy Wall Street protesters were ordered early Tuesday to leave New York City's Zuccotti Park, their longtime encampment in Lower Manhattan, but were told they could return once it had been cleaned.

Occupy Oakland debated at public forum

12:36 AM PDT, November 4, 2011

Occupy Oakland debated at public forum

Reporting from Oakland -- Several hundred residents crammed into Oakland City Hall on Thursday evening to debate this city's Occupy movement, decry the violence that has marred it and attempt to reach some consensus about what comes next.

Oakland engulfed by mostly peaceful protest

November 3, 2011

Oakland engulfed by mostly peaceful protest

Thousands of demonstrators chanted, marched, danced and waved signs Wednesday during a general strike called by Occupy Oakland, a largely peaceful protest that snarled downtown streets, rerouted buses, closed the busy port and drew hundreds of teachers and city workers from classrooms and offices.

Occupy Portland protesters push back after camp closures

November 14, 2011

Occupy Portland protesters push back after camp closures

Several hundred protesters, some wearing goggles and gas masks, marched past authorities downtown Sunday, hours after riot police forced Occupy Portland demonstrators out of two encampments in parks.

Democrats to embrace 'Occupy' themes, if not movement itself

11:28 AM PDT, November 3, 2011

Democrats to embrace 'Occupy' themes, if not movement itself

Occupy Wall Street is not likely to have the kind of effect on Democratic politics that the "tea party" movement has had in the GOP, a leading Democratic strategist said Thursday.

Haskell Wexler aims his camera at Occupy L.A.

6:04 PM PST, November 10, 2011

Haskell Wexler aims his camera at Occupy L.A.

The encampment around City Hall known as Occupy L.A. has drawn the interest of photographers and journalists from around the world, but few arrive with quite the same resume as that of Haskell Wexler. The two-time Oscar-winning cinematographer has made several visits to the protest site, using a small hand-held digital video camera to document what he finds there.

Protesters march through downtown L.A.'s financial district

November 6, 2011

Protesters march through downtown L.A.'s financial district

Trying to build on momentum generated by the Occupy movement, hundreds of protesters marched through downtown L.A.'s financial district Saturday to vent frustration with banks, income inequality and Wall Street.

The roots of Oakland's discontent run deep

November 5, 2011

The roots of Oakland's discontent run deep

Reporting from Oakland -- A year ago, lifelong progressive activist and Oakland Councilwoman Jean Quan linked arms with protesters and faced off against a phalanx of officers in riot gear near this city's graceful civic center.

Assaults raise concerns about crime at Occupy L.A.

November 5, 2011

Assaults raise concerns about crime at Occupy L.A.

Police were called to two violent incidents at Occupy Los Angeles on Friday, adding to questions about the protest and its future.

St. Paul's Cathedral dean quits in Occupy London standoff

November 1, 2011

St. Paul's Cathedral dean quits in Occupy London standoff

A senior clergyman resigned Monday over St. Paul's Cathedral's handling of anticapitalist protesters camped outside the church, the second cleric lost to an increasingly tense standoff involving God, mammon and their earthly representatives.

Website lets wealthy 1% show support for the other 99%

November 2, 2011

Website lets wealthy 1% show support for the other 99%

While members of the so-called 99% take part in Occupy Wall Street protests, a new website lets some of the wealthy 1% declare their support for the movement.

Occupy L.A. gets new message boards

November 2, 2011

Occupy L.A. gets new message boards

Since the first days of Occupy L.A., protesters have used posters, paintings and hand-printed T-shirts to call for major political and economic change.

Activists propose to 'occupy' Iowa caucuses

12:46 PM PDT, November 2, 2011

Activists propose to 'occupy' Iowa caucuses

The Occupy Iowa general assembly voted Monday night to invite other Occupy movements from across the country to help in an effort to shut down the Iowa campaign headquarters of presidential candidates until the state’s caucus day, Jan. 3.

Targeting Wall Street but hurting small vendors instead

8:14 PM PDT, October 30, 2011

Targeting Wall Street but hurting small vendors instead

The Occupy movement came to Los Angeles aiming for Wall Street titans, but farmers market vendors are the first to take a real hit.

At Occupy L.A., no lock step or group think

October 29, 2011


At Occupy L.A., no lock step or group think

As cigarette smoke and the scent of burning sage drifted over the crowd at Occupy L.A., a young protester took to the people's microphone to give a rousing recitation of the group's "points of solidarity."

Occupy L.A.'s 99%: all talk, no action

6:37 PM PDT, October 29, 2011

Steve Lopez: Occupy L.A.'s 99%: all talk, no action

Last week, on a sun-splashed day at the center of the revolution, I heard a speaker suggest that occupiers begin growing their own food. Another speaker, who once lived in a tree for 71 days to save it from a developer's bulldozer, called for solidarity.

Occupy Wall Street braces for winter

5:40 PM PDT, October 28, 2011

Occupy Wall Street braces for winter

"Is it time to Occupy Miami Beach?" a shivering Max Richmond asked another New York protester as she waited to get Vitamin C near the makeshift medical tent.

Occupy movement is largely secular

October 29, 2011

Occupy movement is largely secular

On a bright and raucous afternoon outside Los Angeles City Hall, Cornel West was revving up a crowd at Occupy L.A. As he often does, the prominent philosopher and activist peppered his speech with religious phrases, at one point calling for recognition of "our prophetic Mormon brothers and sisters," as well as Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and "black Baptists like myself."

Talk radio hosts get an earful at Occupy L.A. encampment

October 28, 2011

Talk radio hosts get an earful at Occupy L.A. encampment

Conservative talk radio hosts John and Ken showed up at Occupy L.A. for a live broadcast Thursday, setting off a chaotic scene of jostling and shouting. If their aim was to provoke, they succeeded.

Tensions simmer in Bay Area

October 27, 2011

Tensions simmer in Bay Area

Reporting from Oakland, San Francisco and Los Angeles -- Hundreds of supporters of the Occupy Oakland movement were gathered late Wednesday near the area where police and demonstrators clashed in a violent confrontation the night before that left several people injured and more than 100 others arrested.

Occupy L.A.: Ending the occupation

October 28, 2011


Occupy L.A.: Ending the occupation

Right about now, we suspect City Council President Eric Garcetti is regretting telling protesters with the Occupy Los Angeles movement camping outside City Hall that they were welcome to "stay as long as you need to." And Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa might be rethinking his decision to hand out ponchos when the weather turned wet. It's even possible (though unlikely) that Councilman Richard Alarcon is thinking twice about pandering to the movement by using it as an excuse to resurrect his misguided proposal to shift L.A. funds to community-oriented financial institutions, a move that could cost the city at least $58 million.

Putting the move in Occupy movement

October 27, 2011

Putting the move in Occupy movement

How will it end?

Occupy Oakland: Photos of violent night emerge on Twitter

9:04 AM PDT, October 26, 2011

Occupy Oakland: Photos of violent night emerge on Twitter

As Oakland police defended their use of tear gas to disperse protesters Tuesday night, more Occupy Oakland images documenting the night's confrontations were emerging on social media.

Defiant Occupy Oakland protesters vow to return to plaza

8:53 AM PDT, October 26, 2011

Defiant Occupy Oakland protesters vow to return to plaza

Occupy Oakland protesters, dislodged from their encampment outside City Hall after a march Tuesday night, are organizing to return Wednesday.

Student loans add to angst at Occupy Wall Street

8:11 PM PDT, October 25, 2011

Student loans add to angst at Occupy Wall Street

For almost a week, Nate Grant has sat cross-legged on a wall at the Occupy Wall Street encampment, holding a cardboard sign that bears his scrawled grievance: "Students Ought Not Be a Means of Profit."

Occupy Oakland: More than 100 arrested; police defend tactics

5:08 AM PDT, October 26, 2011

Occupy Oakland: More than 100 arrested; police defend tactics

Police arrested more than 100 people during a night of clashes with Occupy Oakland protesters throughout the city's downtown area.

Occupational hazard: Where's the toilet?

October 23, 2011

Occupational hazard: Where's the toilet?

Occupations such as those underway in cities across the country pose staggering logistical problems. Large numbers of people must be fed and kept reasonably warm and dry. Trash has to be removed; medical care and rudimentary security provided. But for the individual occupier, one problem often overshadows everything else: Where am I going to pee?

Chinese leaders grow nervous about Occupy Wall Street

12:18 AM PDT, October 20, 2011

Chinese leaders grow nervous about Occupy Wall Street

On Oct. 6, Occupy Wall Street inspired some little-noticed sympathy in Zhengzhou, a city in central China's Henan province, when hundreds of pensioners and Communist Party members gathered to express their solidarity with the movement.

McManus: Obama in the Occupy Wall Street camp

October 20, 2011

Doyle McManus: McManus: Obama in the Occupy Wall Street camp

With polls showing broad support for the movement, President Obama tries to turn the anger into an electoral advantage.

Newton: City Hall's embrace of Occupy L.A.

October 24, 2011

Jim Newton: Newton: City Hall's embrace of Occupy L.A.

What's a rebel to do? In New York, demonstrators have tussled with police, and in Rome, authorities used tear gas on them. Meanwhile, members of Occupy L.A. pitched their tents, erected their signs and girded for battle with the establishment, only to discover that City Hall has no interest in fighting back.

Occupy Wall Street protesters serenaded by Pete Seeger

10:01 AM PDT, October 22, 2011

Occupy Wall Street protesters serenaded by Pete Seeger

Folk music legend Pete Seeger led Occupy Wall Street protesters in song late Friday in Manhattan.

Occupy L.A. protesters plan to expand their encampment

8:25 PM PDT, October 19, 2011

Occupy L.A. protesters plan to expand their encampment

Occupy L.A. protesters camped outside City Hall plan to expand their demonstration to other downtown city property, perhaps as early as Wednesday evening.

Indigenous Peoples' Committee joins Occupy L.A.

6:52 PM PDT, October 21, 2011

Indigenous Peoples' Committee joins Occupy L.A.

As Occupy Los Angeles rounds out its third week, other groups that have set up camp on City Hall grounds have added to the movement's various voices.

Protesters plan to occupy other parts of downtown L.A.

October 20, 2011

Protesters plan to occupy other parts of downtown L.A.

The cost of repairing the increasing damage to the City Hall lawn where hundreds of Occupy L.A. protesters are camped out is becoming an issue for Los Angeles officials even as the protesters make plans to expand their demonstration to other downtown city property.

Repairing Occupy L.A. damage to City Hall lawn could cost $400,000

1:51 PM PDT, October 19, 2011

Repairing Occupy L.A. damage to City Hall lawn could cost $400,000

Los Angeles officials say repairing damage to the City Hall lawn where hundreds of Occupy L.A. protesters are camped out could cost the city up to $400,000.

Is Occupy Wall Street invading MTV's 'The Real World'?

12:43 PM PDT, October 18, 2011

Is Occupy Wall Street invading MTV's 'The Real World'?

Seven thousand strangers gathering in the streets under the banner of Occupy Wall Street get picked to live in a house and have their lives taped? Not quite. One, maybe.

Occupy L.A. to rally at school board meeting

7:58 AM PDT, October 18, 2011

Occupy L.A. to rally at school board meeting

Occupy Los Angeles protesters who have set up camp in front of City Hall for the last two weeks say they plan to join forces with the Los Angeles teachers union Tuesday to protest teacher layoffs and other education cuts.

Occupy L.A. forces farmer's market to move across street

11:12 AM PDT, October 20, 2011

Occupy L.A. forces farmer's market to move across street

Downtown workers who have become accustomed to lunching on the grass at the weekly Thursday farmer's market outside City Hall will have to walk across the street, at least while the Occupy L.A. encampment remains on the lawn.

Labor, immigrant groups join Occupy L.A. at rally

7:23 PM PDT, October 19, 2011

Labor, immigrant groups join Occupy L.A. at rally

Since Occupy L.A. set up camp outside City Hall last month, the movement has given momentum to other groups.

Students visit Occupy L.A. for lesson in democracy

3:50 PM PDT, October 18, 2011

Students visit Occupy L.A. for lesson in democracy

About 30 schoolchildren took a field trip Tuesday afternoon -- not to the aquarium -- but rather to City Hall, the epicenter of Occupy Los Angeles.

Officials' embrace of Occupy L.A. loosens a bit over fiscal issue

October 19, 2011

Officials' embrace of Occupy L.A. loosens a bit over fiscal issue

Los Angeles elected officials have been assiduously wooing the Occupy movement, which inspired protesters furious at Wall Street to take over the grassy area around City Hall downtown — and public spaces in cities across the nation.

Protesters disrupt John Boehner's golf game in Newport Beach

8:44 AM PDT, October 18, 2011

Protesters disrupt John Boehner's golf game in Newport Beach

A weekend of worldwide protest spilled over into Orange County on Monday as about 40 left-leaning activists protested House Speaker John Boehner's visit to the Pelican Hill Golf Club in Newport Beach.

Gallup poll: Government more to blame than Wall Street for woes

11:03 AM PDT, October 18, 2011

Gallup poll: Government more to blame than Wall Street for woes

Despite the growing effect of the Occupy Wall Street movement, Americans are far more likely to blame their economic woes on the federal government rather than major financial institutions, according to a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll released Tuesday.

No arrests yet at 'respectful' Occupy L.A. protests, police say

8:21 AM PDT, October 18, 2011

No arrests yet at 'respectful' Occupy L.A. protests, police say

Unlike its counterparts in other major cities, the 17-day Occupy Los Angeles movement that has taken over the lawn around L.A. City Hall hasn't led to any arrests, police said.

Occupy San Diego movement dwindling to dedicated few

3:02 PM PDT, October 17, 2011

Occupy San Diego movement dwindling to dedicated few

The Occupy movement in some locales is growing in numbers and energy, but the Occupy San Diego movement seems to have dwindled.

Occupy Wall Street, uptown edition: One man's vigil

12:20 PM PDT, October 17, 2011

Occupy Wall Street, uptown edition: One man's vigil

Dressed in a nice wool sweater and jeans, Bob Heller turned up this chilly Monday morning at a subway stop in tony uptown Manhattan with a protest placard that read: "Make democracy a reality: Don't let 1% rule 99%. Join Subway Satellite of Occupy Wall Street!"

Obama: Occupy protests 'not that different' from tea party

10:49 AM PDT, October 18, 2011

Obama: Occupy protests 'not that different' from tea party

President Obama is linking the tea party movement with the Occupy Wall Street protests, saying they both speak to the belief of some Americans that they are "separated from government."

Cornel West, others arrested at Supreme Court won't be prosecuted

12:26 PM PDT, October 17, 2011

Cornel West, others arrested at Supreme Court won't be prosecuted

Cornel West and other protesters arrested Sunday on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court in an offshoot of the Occupy Wall Street movement will not be prosecuted.

Occupy Wall Street: Most N.Y. voters back protests, poll finds

11:24 AM PDT, October 17, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: Most N.Y. voters back protests, poll finds

Two-thirds of New York City voters agree with the views of Occupy Wall Street demonstrators who have taken over a Lower Manhattan park to protest corporate greed, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Monday.

'We are the 99%,' L.A. marchers chant at protest

7:51 PM PDT, October 15, 2011

'We are the 99%,' L.A. marchers chant at protest

As protesters around the world marked a "global day of action," crowds took to the streets of downtown Los Angeles on Saturday to vent frustration over dismal job prospects and the failure of government to get the economy back on track.

Occupy Wall Street inspires the 'I'm getting arrested' app

4:40 AM PDT, October 17, 2011

Occupy Wall Street inspires the 'I'm getting arrested' app

A new Android app inspired by Occupy Wall Street and other protests sweeping the globe allows protesters to notify family, friends and even their legal team that they are being arrested.

Hundreds join Occupy O.C. protest while others scoff

3:31 PM PDT, October 16, 2011

Hundreds join Occupy O.C. protest while others scoff

Resting on his bicycle between two fellow riders, Newport Beach resident Jeff Yeargain waited and watched with apparent contempt as more than 500 people marched across his path toward a major Irvine intersection.

Occupy Long Beach ends with arrests, citations

7:50 AM PDT, October 17, 2011

Occupy Long Beach ends with arrests, citations

Occupy Long Beach ended Sunday with arrests and citations after demonstrators clashed with police trying to usher them out of a public park.

The Sunday Conversation: Tuning in to Harry Belafonte

October 16, 2011

Harry Belafonte talks Occupy Wall Street

'I expected it to spring up,' says Belafonte. 'What I did not really anticipate was the specific location where this would take place.'

4:25 PM PDT, October 15, 2011

'Occupy' protesters take to streets in San Diego and Encinitas

Hundreds of protesters from the Occupy San Diego and Occupy North County movements took to the streets Saturday in San Diego and suburban Encinitas.

Hundreds arrested in 'Occupy' protests

11:02 PM PDT, October 16, 2011

Hundreds arrested in 'Occupy' protests

Several hundred protesters in at least seven U.S. cities supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement were arrested over the weekend after refusing to obey police orders to leave public areas, including 175 in Chicago.

Protests against corporate greed spread across the globe

5:10 PM PDT, October 15, 2011

Protests against corporate greed spread across the globe

The protests against corporate greed born last month on New York's Wall Street spread across the world Saturday, with fed-up demonstrators staging marches in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.

Biggest threat to Wall St. is the enemy within

7:29 PM PDT, October 14, 2011

Tom Petruno: Biggest threat to Wall St. is the enemy within

Memo to the Occupy Wall Street movement: Should it come up in a strategy session, don't bother with trying to destroy the financial markets as we know them.

Occupy movement raises voices in Washington

1:21 PM PDT, October 15, 2011

Occupy movement raises voices in Washington

As protests against the financial system spread around the world Saturday, marchers in Washington, D.C., shouted slogans in front of the Treasury Department and held up signs reading "foreclosed" in front of downtown bank branches.

9:36 AM PDT, October 15, 2011

Occupy San Diego issues public appeal for bail money

After the arrest of two protesters Friday, the Occupy San Diego movement has added something to its list of requested donations: money for bail.

Cornel West one of 19 arrested at Supreme Court

7:07 PM PDT, October 16, 2011

Cornel West one of 19 arrested at Supreme Court

Liberal professor Cornel West was one of 19 people arrested on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington on Sunday, according to the Associated Press, as part of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

3:02 PM PDT, October 15, 2011

'We are the 99%,' L.A. marchers chant at protest

Hundreds take to the streets of downtown to vent frustration over dismal job prospects and the failure of government to get the economy back on track.

Wall Street is occupied with worries too

October 15, 2011

Wall Street is occupied with worries too

As anti-Wall Street protests crop up around the nation, many of the bankers and traders at the center of the storm are focused on a more immediate concern: keeping their jobs.

11:24 AM PDT, October 15, 2011

Occupy L.A. marches through downtown; MoveOn to protest too

Hundreds of marchers set out from an encampment at City Hall and moved south along Spring Street shortly after 10 a.m., carrying signs such as "Get Money Out of Politics" and "Corporations are Not People."

8:53 AM PDT, October 15, 2011

Protesters in London support Occupy Wall Street

Thousands of protesters had flooded into London's financial area by midday Saturday, vowing support for their counterparts in the Occupy Wall Street movement.

2:56 AM PDT, October 15, 2011

Occupy Wall Street spirit spreads through Pacific Rim

The protests against corporate greed born last month on New York's Wall Street spread to the world's Asia-Pacific region Saturday, with similar marches staged in Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea.

5:30 PM PDT, October 14, 2011

Some Occupy San Diego protesters remain; two arrested, tents removed

Several dozen Occupy San Diego protesters remained Friday night in the plaza behind City Hall after a day in which police forcibly removed their tents and other structures and two protesters were arrested.

Hotel Bel-Air reopens to protest by activists, ex-union workers

October 15, 2011

Hotel Bel-Air reopens to protest by activists, ex-union workers

After a two-year renovation, the iconic Hotel Bel-Air in West Los Angeles reopened to a spirited protest by about 300 activists and former union workers who were laid off when construction began in 2009 and were never rehired.

4:24 AM PDT, October 14, 2011

Cleanup of Occupy Wall Street protest site is postponed

The owners of the park where anti-greed protesters have gathered for almost a month told the mayor's office they will postpone cleaning the area Friday, heading off an anticipated clash between police and hundreds who were determined to hold their ground.

5:46 AM PDT, October 14, 2011

Occupy San Diego protesters get new deadline to move their stuff

San Diego police have set a new 7 a.m. deadline for Occupy San Diego protesters in the City Hall plaza to remove their tents and other property or risk arrest.

Occupy Wall Street braces for showdown

9:15 PM PDT, October 13, 2011

Occupy Wall Street braces for showdown

Wall Street protesters were preparing Thursday for a confrontation with authorities who are expected to enforce new rules in the Lower Manhattan park where the demonstrators have been camped out for almost a month.

Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested during impromptu march

4:26 PM PDT, October 14, 2011

Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested during impromptu march

Police arrest about 10 people taking a victory lap in Lower Manhattan after the planned cleaning of Zuccotti Park is canceled. Those who have been camped out at the park for 28 days saw the cleaning as a ploy to evict them.

Occupy Wall Street activists cool to celebrities' visit

October 13, 2011

Occupy Wall Street activists cool to celebrities' visit

Most groups that count on donations might welcome nods of support from someone with the deep pockets of superstar Kanye West or the influence of activist and MSNBC host Al Sharpton.

1:54 PM PDT, October 13, 2011

Opinion: How Occupy Wall Street can change its 'flea party' image

Occupy Wall Street has confused reporters, ruffled conservatives, turned off feminists and garnered comparisons to the tea party since its inception almost a month ago. While the grass-roots movement certainly has its heart in the right place, the so-called 99% has failed thus far to craft a clear mission.

9:05 AM PDT, October 14, 2011

Police remove Occupy San Diego tents, 1 protester arrested

Meeting only token resistance, police removed the Occupy San Diego tents and other property Friday morning from the plaza behind City Hall. One man was arrested.

3:47 PM PDT, October 12, 2011

Large swath of public unsure what to think about 'Occupy' protests

Many Americans haven't yet decided what to think about the Occupy Wall Street protests that have spread across the country, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll.

8:12 AM PDT, October 14, 2011

Police issue warning, begin arrests in Occupy San Diego protest

San Diego police began to arrest Occupy San Diego protesters Friday morning for refusing to remove their tents and other property from the plaza behind City Hall.

11:52 PM PDT, October 13, 2011

Some Occupy San Diego protesters move to Balboa Park, others stay put

Dozens of Occupy San Diego protesters began moving to an alternate site in Balboa Park on Thursday night after police warned that they could be arrested if they did not move their tents and other structures from the plaza behind City Hall.

5:10 AM PDT, October 14, 2011

Elated Occupy Wall Street protesters march on Broadway

Occupy Wall Street protesters, uplifted by the postponement of a cleanup of Zuccotti Park, where they had been gathering, marched early Friday morning on Broadway in lower Manhattan.

8:50 AM PDT, October 13, 2011

Bill Clinton: Occupy Wall Street is 'a positive thing'

Former president Bill Clinton paid a visit to "The Late Show" last night, where he expounded on subjects as wide-ranging as the benefits of a vegan diet and the Chinese appetite for American debt. But the majority of his appearance was devoted to a discussion of the growing Occupy Wall Street movement.

9:53 AM PDT, October 12, 2011

Occupy S.F. protesters arrested outside Wells Fargo Bank

San Francisco police have arrested at least 11 Occupy San Francisco protesters blocking the entrance to Wells Fargo's corporate headquarters.

On the Media: Tea party, Occupy Wall Street share a moment

October 12, 2011

James Rainey: On the Media: Tea party, Occupy Wall Street share a moment

You likely saw the quirky signs and heard some protesters talk about how they would just as soon disband the government. Then a reporter dutifully informed you that these people had gathered en masse but didn't really know what they wanted. Some in the crowd sure looked silly, even a little crazy.

Wall Street protests: A long American tradition

October 13, 2011


Wall Street protests: A long American tradition

The only thing really surprising about the Occupy Wall Street movement is that it didn't happen sooner. The United States has a long history of friction over policies that enable an elite to thrive at the expense of ordinary people.

Occupy Wall Street shifts from protest to policy phase

October 12, 2011

Michael Hiltzik: Occupy Wall Street shifts from protest to policy phase

How do you know when a protest movement is starting to scare the pants off the establishment?

4:03 PM PDT, October 11, 2011

Anti-greed protesters march to Rupert Murdoch's place

Perhaps never have so many people walked past the Valentino and Emilio Pucci stores without stopping to gape at the expensive goodies in the windows, but the crowd marching through Manhattan's chic Upper East Side on Tuesday wasn't looking for shoes or handbags.

A festival, a rebellion, an awakening

October 12, 2011

Steve Lopez: A festival, a rebellion, an awakening

I pitched a tent Monday night in a neighborhood of the angry, the disaffected and the disillusioned.

12:26 PM PDT, October 11, 2011

Wall Street, slammed by protests, may soon feel job-loss pain

When the Occupy Wall Street movement began last month, protesters excoriated the 1% who live at the top of the nation's economic pyramid -- saying they had prospered at the expense of the other 99% of Americans. And now, some lesser players on Wall Street may be joining Main Street in feeling the nation's economic pain, according to data released Tuesday.

<b>Lopez:</b> Is Occupy Los Angeles making a difference?

9:33 AM PDT, October 11, 2011

Lopez: Is Occupy Los Angeles making a difference?

If Monday night was any indication, it's hard to get much sleep at the Occupy Los Angeles encampment outside City Hall.

6:33 PM PDT, October 7, 2011

Several hundred in 'Occupy San Diego' movement march downtown

Several hundred demonstrators under the banner "Occupy San Diego" took to downtown streets late Friday afternoon in support of their message that Wall Street is ripping off America.

4:19 PM PDT, October 11, 2011

Occupy San Diego calls out for supplies

The organizers of Occupy San Diego have put out a plea for items.

Tea party group slams Occupy Wall Street; arrests grow

7:39 AM PDT, October 11, 2011

Tea party group slams Occupy Wall Street; arrests grow

As the Occupy Wall Street movement continues to spread—with massive arrests Monday night in Boston—the tea party wants you to know that the progressive protests have nothing in common with its own grass-roots effort.

Occupy San Diego protesters vow to remain camped out at City Hall

5:40 PM PDT, October 8, 2011

Occupy San Diego protesters vow to remain camped out at City Hall

Several hundred protesters in the Occupy San Diego movement remained camped out late Saturday on the downtown plaza behind City Hall -- vowing to remain there indefinitely.

Washington, D.C., has its turn in the anti-Wall Street spotlight

5:15 PM PDT, October 6, 2011

Washington, D.C., has its turn in the anti-Wall Street spotlight

On Thursday, more than 500 chanting people kicked off what became Washington, D.C.'s biggest version to date of the Occupy Wall Street protests -- with many of the protesters seemingly willing to sleep overnight for days in sleeping bags, tents and cardboard boxes painted up as foreclosed homes.

Is Occupy Wall Street a tea party for Democrats?

6:41 PM PDT, October 6, 2011

Is Occupy Wall Street a tea party for Democrats?

As protests aimed at shaming Wall Street continued near New York's financial heart, they raised a tantalizing prospect for beleaguered liberals: Their side may, unexpectedly, be witnessing the redefinition of a coming election year that was supposed to be all about an "enthusiasm gap" for Democrats against charged-up Republicans.

Mitt Romney sympathizes with Wall Street protesters

12:00 PM PDT, October 11, 2011

Mitt Romney sympathizes with Wall Street protesters

Mitt Romney appeared to be softening to the Occupy Wall Street protests on Monday, taking a more sympathetic tone as he remarked on the movement, which he had called “dangerous” just a week before. 

Hundreds of protesters take over downtown intersection

1:29 PM PDT, October 6, 2011

Hundreds of protesters take over downtown intersection

Police said Thursday that the number of protesters that had been picketing banks downtown has swelled to about 500 and that a march had taken over the intersection of 7th and Figueroa streets. Officers in riot gear were dispatched to the scene and arrests may be imminent if the protesters did not disperse, police said.

Iranian commander labels U.S. protests as 'American Spring'

6:04 AM PDT, October 10, 2011

Iranian commander labels U.S. protests as 'American Spring'

An Iranian military commander has labeled the protests spreading from New York's Wall Street to other U.S. cities the beginning of an "American Spring," likening them to the uprisings that toppled Arab autocrats in the Middle East, Iran's official news agency reported.

Bank protesters arrested after trying to cash $673-billion check

1:53 PM PDT, October 6, 2011

Bank protesters arrested after trying to cash $673-billion check

Los Angeles police arrested 10 people Thursday afternoon at a downtown Bank of America branch after they marched in and tried to cash a check for $673 billion, officials said.

Occupy Wall Street: The new Populists?

October 6, 2011


Occupy Wall Street: The new Populists?

They call themselves the 99 Percenters. "We are occupying Wall Street," they say, encamped by the hundreds in a park dubbed Liberty Square in Lower Manhattan's financial district, and now seconded by satellite groups at L.A.'s City Hall, in San Francisco and in Chicago, Boston, St. Louis and dozens of other cities. "We will use the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic of mass occupation," they avow, "to restore democracy in America." For the last two weeks, their numbers have ebbed and flowed. They are young, many of them college educated, most of them jobless — most of them feeling they've been robbed of a workable future. They're sleeping in tents, sharing food, communicating by social media and participating in what their website calls a nonviolent, "leaderless resistance movement" to denounce "the greed and corruption of the 1%." They hold signs that say, "People not profit" and "Populism not corporate fascism."

More arrests after Occupy Wall Street march

8:44 AM PDT, October 6, 2011

More arrests after Occupy Wall Street march

A protest against corporate greed that drew thousands of people to a Lower Manhattan square led to more than two dozen arrests Wednesday night when some supporters of the Occupy Wall Street movement tried to actually occupy Wall Street.

Wall Street-style protests target downtown Los Angeles bank

12:13 PM PDT, October 6, 2011

Wall Street-style protests target downtown Los Angeles bank

Occupy L.A. has stepped up its protests by picketing the residence of a banking executive and staging a rally Thursday in front of a downtown Chase bank branch.

Occupy Wall Street has company in Washington, D.C.

4:15 PM PDT, October 5, 2011

Occupy Wall Street has company in Washington, D.C.

Another fall day in Washington, D.C., another protest. First there was Occupy Wall Street. Beginning Thursday, there will also be Stop the Machine.

Occupy Wall Street? What about Occupy Sesame Street?

5:26 PM PDT, October 5, 2011

Occupy Wall Street? What about Occupy Sesame Street?

You've heard of Occupy Wall Street, but how about Occupy Sesame Street? That's a newish hash tag -- #occupysesamestreet -- that has emerged on Twitter over the last two weeks, with tweets that are less strident and more absurd than those associated with #occupywallstreet.

Occupy Seattle protests beset first by rain, now by loss of tents

5:54 PM PDT, October 5, 2011

Occupy Seattle protests beset first by rain, now by loss of tents

There's been a special Pacific Northwest-style treat for the 100 or so protesters who have been occupying a downtown park for one of the West Coast assaults on Wall Street politics known as Occupy Seattle -- rain.

AFL-CIO Chief Richard Trumka backs Occupy Wall Street protests

12:13 PM PDT, October 5, 2011

AFL-CIO Chief Richard Trumka backs Occupy Wall Street protests

The U.S. labor movement will support demonstrations around the country by anti-Wall Street protesters, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said Wednesday.

Unions, civic groups to join Occupy Wall Street march

10:07 AM PDT, October 5, 2011

Unions, civic groups to join Occupy Wall Street march

Unions and civic groups will join Wednesday with protesters from Occupy Wall Street to march in Manhattan, enlarging what started as an anti-establishment protest of perhaps a few hundred unemployed, mainly college-aged people.

8:32 AM PDT, October 3, 2011

Occupy L.A. keeps economic protest alive outside City Hall

Protesters fed up with Wall Street's practices and influence woke up Monday to their third morning of camping outside Los Angeles City Hall.

Thousands march in Occupy Wall Street protest

2:25 PM PDT, October 5, 2011

Thousands march in Occupy Wall Street protest

Thousands of people waving signs and chanting slogans marched Wednesday afternoon from Occupy Wall Street's encampment in Lower Manhattan's financial district to Foley Square in front of the courthouse to press their anti-greed message.

Lone protester launches Occupy USC vigil

12:08 PM PDT, October 4, 2011

Lone protester launches Occupy USC vigil

As anti-greed protesters camped on the sidewalk outside Los Angeles City Hall for a third night, a lone student launched his own sleep-in at USC.

Hundreds of protesters arrested on Brooklyn Bridge

October 2, 2011

Hundreds of protesters arrested on Brooklyn Bridge

About 700 protesters were arrested Saturday in a demonstration against corporate greed and other social inequalities after they swarmed the Brooklyn Bridge and shut down a lane of traffic for several hours, New York City police said.

Another day, another march: Occupy Wall Street endures

8:02 AM PDT, October 3, 2011

Another day, another march: Occupy Wall Street endures

Patrick M. Barth didn't plan on getting arrested when he set out on foot to protest corporate greed, but he was one of about 700 demonstrators who found themselves in jail cells over the weekend as tensions escalated between New York police and a movement now in its third week of a Manhattan sit-in.

9:36 PM PDT, October 1, 2011

Economic protesters remain camped out at L.A. City Hall

After a daylong protest against what they view as inequities in economic policies, more than 100 protesters remained on the steps of Los Angeles City Hall on Saturday night, drumming, singing and discoursing on fiscal policy.

Occupy Wall Street's message

October 4, 2011


Occupy Wall Street's message

The pundit class has largely ignored, dismissed or mocked the Occupy Wall Street protest (the Wall Street Journal's editorial page, for example, calls the protesters "a collection of ne'er-do-wells raging against Wall Street, or something"). We too find it hard to get especially worked up over a series of small demonstrations in a handful of cities, including Los Angeles, involving mostly disaffected people who have trouble expressing what it is they're against. But isn't that how the "tea party" started out?

Occupy Los Angeles protesters camp for second night at City Hall

10:07 PM PDT, October 2, 2011

Occupy Los Angeles protesters camp for second night at City Hall

Protesters who have camped outside Los Angeles City Hall since Saturday, inspired by on-going Occupy Wall Street demonstrations in New York, will spend a second night sleeping on the pavement this evening.

Economic protesters gather at Los Angeles City Hall

1:57 PM PDT, October 1, 2011

Economic protesters gather at Los Angeles City Hall

Several hundred people marched on Los Angeles City Hall on Saturday to protest the nation's economic climate and encourage political involvement.

Downtown L.A. becomes a stage for protest and performance art

9:11 PM PDT, October 2, 2011

Downtown L.A. becomes a stage for protest and performance art

Downtown Los Angeles was transformed into a set for political theater over the weekend, with protesters pitching tents in front of City Hall and performance artists dancing on floats meandering through the streets.

Reader photos: Southern California Moments Day 275

4:00 PM PDT, October 2, 2011

Reader photos: Southern California Moments Day 275

Occupy LA protesters gather in front of Los Angeles City Hall on Saturday, Oct. 1, in this photo captured by reader Bullet Salvador.

Protesters set up camp in front of Los Angeles City Hall

3:26 PM PDT, October 2, 2011

Protesters set up camp in front of Los Angeles City Hall

Inspired by the anti-corporate Occupy Wall Street demonstrations in New York, several hundred protesters set up camp in front of Los Angeles City Hall this weekend, saying they are there to stay.

Economic protesters take to the streets in L.A.

8:25 PM PDT, October 1, 2011

Economic protesters take to the streets in L.A.

Stephen Maranzano had a long list of concerns: the war in the Middle East, corporate tax breaks, rising unemployment and the fact that he's working three part-time jobs and still barely makes ends meet.

Anti-corruption activists plan on 'occupying' Los Angeles

3:42 PM PDT, September 28, 2011

Anti-corruption activists plan on 'occupying' Los Angeles

The planned encampment, to be set up at L.A. City Hall, will protest the corruption of an economic and political system that has allowed a small fraction of Americans to grow rich "while the rest of us have gotten poorer," the group Occupy Los Angeles said in a statement to the media Wednesday.

Occupy Wall Street protesters driven by varying goals

5:48 PM PDT, September 29, 2011

Occupy Wall Street protesters driven by varying goals

Michael Moore and Susan Sarandon have dropped in. A seasoned diplomat dispenses free advice. Supporters send everything from boxes of food and clothes to Whole Foods gift cards. They even have their own app, for the legions of fans following them on iPhones and Androids.