Wednesday 4 January 2012

Mystery as 20 TONNES of fish wash up on Kvaenes beach in Norway | Mail Online

Mystery of the DEAD herring: What made 20 TONNES of fish wash up on Norwegian beach?

By Lee Moran

Last updated at 7:53 PM on 2nd January 2012

Thousands of dead herring have been discovered washed up on a north Norwegian beach - prompting Doomsday predictors to hail it as another sign the world is set to end.

More than 20 tonnes of the fish is currently carpeting the beach of Kvaenes, in Nordreisa, with experts views differing on how they have come to be there. One thing is for sure, it will provide welcome ammunition to those believing the Mayan prophecy that 2012 will bring the end of Earth.

Jan-Petter Jorgensen, 44, was walking with his dog Molly when he found the stinky haul.

Washed up: Molly the dog seen walking around the tonnes of dead herring that have mysteriously appeared on a beach at Kvaenes in Nordreisa, northern Norway

Washed up: Molly the dog seen walking around the tonnes of dead herring that have mysteriously appeared on a beach at Kvaenes in Nordreisa, northern Norway

He said: 'People say that something similar happened in the 80s. Maybe the fish have been caught in a deprived oxygen environment, and then died of fresh water?'

Experts have said the school could have been trapped by tidal waters after predatory fish - such as coalfish - chased them towards the shoreline. 

Another theory is that the fish were washed ashore during a recent storm, or trapped in shallow waters and affected by freshwater from a river that flows into the bay.

Jens Christian Holst, of the Institute of Marine Research, said several factors could have come together at once. And he said he hoped they would be able to conduct tests on the dead fish to see if they had died of a disease.

The incident in Norway is not the only mass death mystery over the New Year.

On Sunday, 200 blackbirds mysteriously fell from the sky in a small Arkansas town - although officials now believe the birds were targeted by someone with fireworks, experts say.

Mystery death: One of the hundreds of blackbirds that fell out of the sky on New Year's Eve in Arkansas

Mystery death: One of the hundreds of blackbirds that fell out of the sky on New Year's Eve in Arkansas

Last month 25 dead horses were discovered at the bottom of a cliff near Glenn Innes, New England.

And similarly bizarre and unexplained massacres took place on the opening days of last year, with millions of spot fish washing up in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, more blackbirds dying in Arkansas, and masses of marine life dying in a Louisiana bayou.

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@RWT i doubt that would work, because if you know the end is coming would you not just spend all you have to have a great time before it happens OR as many already do just try to move to safety to some remote tropical place, OR start to build bunkers, buy weapons and supplies ... why would anyone give you they money, they will need it especially if the end is coming ... with that said i dont believe in magical predictions, but i do believe in possible intelligent manipulation of circumstances.. for example using the Mayan prediction to start WW3 would be perfectly logical timing

- siiix, earth, 03/1/2012 17:28

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Then it started to rain wine, and this wise guy said"O.K. I´ll feed 10 thousand"

- St.Pedro-Juan-Pablo-Mateo, ex pat, 03/1/2012 16:03

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These are capelin, not herring and it is perfectly natural. This is what they do after breeding. Look it up, and stop trustng the ridiculous media to report anything intelligently anymore. Fromwikipedia: Capelin or caplin, Mallotus villosus, is a small forage fish of the smelt family found in the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. In summer, it grazes on dense swarms of plankton at the edge of the ice shelf. Larger capelin also eat a great deal of krill and other crustaceans. Whales, seals, cod, squid, mackerel, beluga whales and seabirds all prey on capelin in particular during the spawning season of the capelin while it migrates southwards. Capelin spawn on sandy beaches and sandy bottom at the age of 2–6 years, and have an extremely high mortality rate on the beaches after spawning, for males close to 100% mortality.

- Steve, Perth, Australia, 03/1/2012 15:51

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@Levenson, UK. Please step away from the drugs. Keep your hands where I can see them... *lol*

- john, scotland, 03/1/2012 15:14

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Why are so many people convinced this is the end times yet sit about reading articles like this and no doubt commenting on various bikini ones too. Yes!!! Trumpets blasting: there will be no 2013 - whilst they actually think... whatever, can't be bothered, what's for dinner... Stories like this don't help. It's a freaky dead fish day. Let's move on.To 2013 and solving the problems of this world as opposed to sitting about waiting for Biblical Execution, which is the top hobby of the negative and nihilist. Can't wait for 22/12/12 when all this is a Harold Camping fiasco revealed.

- Levenson, UK, 03/1/2012 14:27

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<< What made 20 TONNES of fish wash up on Norwegian beach? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe it was the tide ???? Obvious innit !!!!

- Old Geordie, Geordieland, 03/1/2012 13:56

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if it's manipulated, there is a reason and no one is going to tell us why. if it's not, perhaps we should think about what we are doing to our planet and how we can be the change we want to see. there is not a lot of room for anything else.

- The Real Chezza, Aberdeen, UK, 03/1/2012 13:40

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So long and thanks for all the fish.

- John, Bucks, England, 03/1/2012 11:59

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Youtube: 10000 cattle drop dead in Vietnam ( 19/1/2011)..... I believe a weapon is being used on birds, animal, and fish, probably using some kind of frequency that stops their hearts. How can cows drop dead by the side of people, without effecting people???

- CJ, Ireland, 03/1/2012 11:49

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They must have heard gags and bieber trying to sing and decided to end it all.

- Dai Laffin, Welsh Wales, 03/1/2012 10:49

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