Wednesday 22 February 2012

Avaaz - UK: stop Tar Sands today!

35,412 have signed. Help us get to 50,000

Posted: 22 February 2012
Today (Feb 23), Europe could pass a directive that would introduce strict pollution controls and stop the flow of deadly tar sands oil into the EU. But the UK is blocking this crucial law -- now only we can save it.

Tar sands oil destroys forests, lakes, and emits 25% more carbon pollution than other oil. But for Canada it is a money making bonanza, and the government and big oil companies are ferociously lobbying Europe to open the flood gates to this black gold. Right now the UK is close to caving, but if we can pressure Transport Minister Baker to put people and the planet before oil profits, we can win!

The Fuel Quality Directive vote is on a knife's edge and it all comes down to us. We only have only hour left to take action -- let's send a flood of messages now urging our government to be green champions. Use the form on the right to send a message now!