Wednesday 22 February 2012

Free Schapelle Corby - The Petition Site

In 2004 Schapelle Corby was a perfectly healthy young woman, happily visiting her sister for a holiday in Bali. When she found 4.2kg of marijuana in her bag on arrival, her world was shattered. Sacrificed by her own government, she was sentenced to 20 years in a squalid prison cell.

She is still there, but is now broken. She is mentally ill, diagnosed by one of Australia's top psychiatrists, and only just hanging on by a thread. Even this clear breach of her human rights is overlooked, and she remains deserted, and even scorned by a hostile media.

This situation is a stain on humanity. Please support Schapelle Corby by signing this petition, urging her immediate release, and the end to the torture of a seriously ill woman. 

For more information see: