Wednesday 22 February 2012

A study of humanitarian financing for older people and people with disabilities | Emergencies | HelpAge International

A study of humanitarian financing for older people and people with disabilities

The purpose of humanitarian assistance is to enable people to survive crises and disasters, with an impartial focus on those who are most at risk. A study of humanitarian financing for older people and people living with disabilties

This study by HelpAge International and Handicap International quantifies the funding provided by donors to meet the humanitarian needs of two of the most vulnerable groups: older people and people with disabilities. It does so by analysing the amount of humanitarian funding targeted at these two groups through the UN Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP) and Flash Appeals in 2010 and 2011.

This report shows that less than 1% of humanitarian aid targets older people and people with disabilities, and stresses an urgent need to integrate these groups into humanitarian responses.

Download A study of humanitarian financing for older people and people living with disabilities.

Download the French version of the humanitarian financing study.