The Sea Shadow is a unique top-secret stealth ship that cost the US government $195 million. Now, you can buy it in an online auction for $100,000. But you won’t be able to take it for a spin – the ship is to be broken down into scrap metal.
The Sea Shadow contains unique technologies still envied by navies around the world, so the new owner will have to disassemble the 563-ton vessel under strict government supervision inside US borders, until its parts have no value except “for their basic material content.”
AFP Photo / U.S. NAVY
From pride of the Navy to scrap heap
After introducing stealth technology in the air – the F-117 made its first flight in 1981 – US Forces wanted to recreate their success, this time at sea.
The Pentagon commissioned industrial giant Lockheed Martin to build a ship that could sneak up on larger enemy vessels to spy or conduct surprise missions. The new ship would also become a testing ground for the technologies that would shape naval warfare in the 21st century.
As one of the most secretive projects in history, it could not be assembled openly.
Lockheed Martin ordered parts from different suppliers, who were never shown the blueprints of the completed ship. They were then welded together inside a secret barge (the HMB-1, also included in the lot) to avoid detection from Soviet satellites.
The Sea Shadow took the water in 1985.
With submerged twin hulls for stability, a low profile to avoid easy visual detection, and sloped sides that reflect radar waves, the Sea Shadow resembles nothing as much as its airborne cousins.
The public were only informed of its existence in 1993, after the end of the Cold War.
And while the ship itself cost about $50 million to build, the entire program totaled nearly $200 million.
Whether the Sea Shadow justified the exorbitant price tag is debatable. Many of the innovations it pioneered have now become standard on new US vessels. On the other hand, the US Navy says it never took part in any real missions.
In fact the closest it came to a genuine conflict was as an inspiration for the Bond villain Elliot Carver’s stealth ship in the 1997 film Tomorrow Never Dies.
After retiring the Sea Shadow in 2006, the US Navy has fruitlessly searched for a museum that would take the ship off its hands. Finally, it decided to put it on an army surplus auction site – where there is currently only a handful of bidders.
And unless someone steps in before bidding ends on Friday, one of the most ambitious projects in US military history is set to meet a somewhat humbling end.
Sea Shadow exiting the HMB-1. The barge, also included in the auction, was built by mogul Howard Hughes to secretely retrieve the sunken Soviet submarine K-129 (Image via GSA auctions)
Monday, 30 April 2012
Ocean to auction block: Real Bond villain stealth ship yours for just $100,000 (PHOTOS) — RT
Judge Jim Gray announces as Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate.
Judge Jim Gray announces as Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate.
April 30, 2012Posted in Blog, News
Dear Convention Delegates:
In 2001 I first met Gary Johnson when he, as a sitting governor of the State of New Mexico, endorsed the original edition of my book, which is entitled “Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It: A Judicial Indictment of the War on Drugs” (Temple University Press, 2d edition, 2012). At the time when some governors who were ignorant of the issues were speaking nonsense about how we had to continue to put non-violent drug users in jail, and others who understood the issues were keeping silent, Governor Johnson was not only telling the truth, but he had the courage to act upon it.
In 2010 I had the honor to be on a panel about our failing educational system with Governor Johnson at “Freedom Fest” which, as you know, is a yearly forum in Las Vegas that discusses and promotes Libertarian values. At that time Gary made it clear to me that he understands the critical importance of re-introducing competition into the educational system, just as promoted by my all-time hero Dr. Milton Friedman.
Based upon those experiences, combined with the knowledge that he had actually vetoed more wasteful spending measures while governor than all other state governors combined – thus leaving New Mexico with a $1 billion surplus upon leaving office – I have been accurately quoted publicly as saying that Governor Gary Johnson is the most qualified person that I know of to be President of the United States.
Given the wrong-minded direction that our great country is now being taken by the two main political parties, I decided to take his election personally and do whatever I could for him to be elected. So when Gary asked me to be his running mate in this election, I simply had to agree. What an honor; what an opportunity; and what a necessity for our children, grandchildren and country!
I believe my background, experience and values will bring additional credibility and force to our team. I was an elected trial court judge for 25 years, federal prosecutor in Los Angeles, criminal defense attorney in the Navy JAG Corps, and Peace Corps Volunteer in Costa Rica. I formerly held a top secret clearance in the Navy, and was the recipient of National Defense, Vietnam Service and Combat Action awards while serving my country.
In addition, I have received the “Judge of the Year” award from the business litigation section of the local bar association, honorary degrees from two law schools, and the annual judge of the year award of my county’s chapter of the Constitutional Rights Foundation bears my name. I am married with four children, including one who was adopted from Vietnam while I was in the Navy, and am a member of the United Methodist Church. My Libertarian beliefs have been documented in my book “A Voter’s Handbook: Effective Solutions to America’s Problems” (The Forum Press, 2010), as have my teachings in a fun way to our children about the importance of ethics, staying in school and making good choices in my musical, which is entitled “Americans All,” and has been performed by several high schools as well as Vanguard University of Southern California.
So I directly request your invaluable support and vote at the upcoming Libertarian Convention as I seek the nomination to be your candidate for Vice President of the United States. I am committed to do whatever it takes to pursue this goal. But please do not vote for me, or for Governor Johnson, unless you are prepared to take this election personally as well, and help us in the days and months to come. With your help, together we can get this important work done!
Yours – and Ours – in Liberty
Judge James P. Gray (Ret.)
Chechen women in mortal fear as president backs Islamic honor killings - By Diana Markosian - Special to The Washington Times
Chechen women in mortal fear as president backs Islamic honor killings
By Diana Markosian - Special to The Washington Times
Sunday, April 29, 2012
A man and a woman on a date in the village of Serzhen-Yurt in Chechnya sit on opposite ends of a bench. Couples on dates must meet in public and sit a distance from each other. All physical contact is forbidden before marriage. Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov supports honor killings for women with “loose morals.” (Diana Markosian/Special to The Washington Times)
- Pretty Women from Russia22000 Women' Photo & Video Profiles Find Your Special One from Russia!
ACHXOY-MARTAN, Chechnya — Chechnya's government is openly approving of families that kill female relatives who violate their sense of honor, as this Russian republic embraces a fundamentalist interpretation of Islam after decades of religious suppression under Soviet rule.
In the past five years, the bodies of dozens of young Chechen women have been found dumped in woods, abandoned in alleys and left along roads in the capital, Grozny, and neighboring villages.
Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov publicly announced that the dead women had “loose morals” and were rightfully shot by male relatives. He went on to describe women as the property of their husbands, and said their main role is to bear children.
“If a woman runs around and if a man runs around with her, both of them should be killed,” said Mr. Kadyrov, who often has stated his goal of making Chechnya “more Islamic than the Islamists.”
In today’s Chechnya, alcohol is all but banned, Islamic dress codes are enforced and polygamous marriages are supported by the government.
Some observers say Mr. Kadyrov’s attempt to impose Islamic law violates the Russian Constitution, which guarantees equal rights for women and a separation of church and state.
“We are a traditional, conservative society, but the government has gone overboard,” said Lipkhan Bazaeva, head of the Women's Dignity Center, a nongovernmental organization promoting women’s rights in Grozny. “They are declaring unacceptable limits on women — as an individual, she has no rights even if her husband beats her, despite Russian laws.”
Though observers agree that honor killings are on the rise in Chechnya, the issue remains largely taboo among locals — making official statistics hard to come by.
“You hear about these cases almost every day,” said a local human rights defender, who asked that her name not be used out of fear for her safety. “It is hard for me to investigate this topic, yet I worked on it with [human rights activist] Natasha [Estemirova] for a while. But, I can’t anymore. I am too scared now. I’ve almost given up, really.”
Estemirova, who angered Chechen authorities with reports of torture, abductions and extrajudicial killings, was found in the woods in 2009 in the neighboring region of Ingushetia with gunshot wounds to the head and chest. Her killer or killers have not been found.
Few dare to openly challenge Mr. Kadyrov’s rule. But activists say some young Muslim women do so surreptitiously, placing themselves in a constant tug of war between two value systems.
Milana, a ninth-grader in Grozny, wears thick eyeliner, dons tight miniskirts, smokes cigarettes and dates boys: all things a proper Muslim girl is forbidden to do in Chechnya.
She said she has heard it from her father countless times: A Chechen girl who loses her virginity before marriage is a prostitute, and Allah will punish her.
“If only my parents knew some of the things I did,” she said with a giggle. “My parents are too strict with me, but it is like that here.”
Analysts say dating can be an escape for teenagers such as Milana who often live double lives.
“It is a great temptation to break from tradition when they are away from their family, said Ms. Bazaeva. “They have a good time, but it is not without consequences, not in Chechnya.”
In this small Chechen village, residents talk about the teenage girl who was killed in early February after she spent a night at her boyfriend’s house.
The 16-year-old’s body was wrapped in a traditional rug and returned to her mother’s house. Her relatives are suspected of killing her in the name of family honor.
To escape the strict mores, some of the young opt for early marriage, which they view as the gateway to independence, sexual activity and societal respect. That goes for young Chechen men, also.
Abu-Khadzh Idrisov, 20, married in his teens to simply experiment, he said. His first marriage at age 14 lasted barely a year. He married a second time at 18. He spotted his future wife at a park in Grozny and, with the help of his friends, kidnapped her.
“When I married her, I honestly knew only two things: her name and the school she studied at. We talked together once,” he recalled. “But we have traditions and extremely strict rules in Chechnya, and you can’t just ignore them. I carry my family’s name, and if I tarnish it, I will have problems.”
Showing 1-20 of 49 comments
- Bob Higginbotham
- Like
- Reply
- Today 10:31 AM
- wvobiwan
This isn't anything new, there are 500+ million Islamic women living in bondage, under threat of their lives JUST FOR BEING WOMEN. What's despicable is organizations like NOW's complete silence on the issue, just because opposition would be viewed as supporting a conservative position. Instead, NOW prefers to savage and tear down women who stay home to raise children. The brave Islamic women like Hirsi Ali who buck the system at the threat of their lives have NO support from women's groups in the US and EU, just the opposite. These groups also attack the Ali's of the world, and defend Islam's subjugation of women as 'cultural differences'. If NOW had any credibility to begin with, it'd be a stunning abdication of their charter.
The Moslem Brotherhood with help from Obama just took over in Egypt and 40 million women there lost their freedom, they are now chattels to men. Jimmy Carter did the same thing 40 years ago, his meddling gave Iran to the Islamic freaks and the women became slaves subject to death sentences by stoning and the lash. 80 million women and girls lost their freedom because of Democrat Presidents and women still vote for the party that enslaves them, not to smart. Its the history of the Democrat Party even in this country, it was the Democrats that fought for slavery in the Civil War and even now enslave with food stamp handouts for votes.
- jtrollla
Can't all you sap-head apologists for unfettered Islam just wait for that to come here? It's coming unless we stop it. Yeah. I know. I'm a racist Islamophobe... blah blah blah...
"Chechnya’s government is openly approving of families that kill female relatives who violate their sense of honor"
No doubt coming soon to our multicultural paradise.
- Shore101
Will the next libtard with the "coexist" sticker please go to this country and give them a stern talking to. Obviously they have not received your disapproving lectures or stares. Welcome to the world of sharia law...coming soon to many European countries and Detroit. Maybe Oblameo can have a beer summit with the Miuslim Brotherhood and get it all straightened out.
- lonborghini
Welcome to the world of Abrahamic monotheism; islam, judaism, christianity are only minor variations on a particularly toxic form of sky fairy worship. Isn't religion grand!
Welcome to lonborghini's politically correct, immoral, non-judgmental, atheist stew pot of moral relativism..
- lonborghini
Yes, everyone is welcome. Religion is a curable disease. There is life after faith. We can help.
I saw about 50 of those on every prius I saw the last time I was in San Francisco. Usually they had an Obama sticker to go along with it.
Yes and chew the fat over some hot dogs. And snakes and tigers.
- Buypass
Sharia can be fought. Samuel Colt provided the machine to do so.
In MY opinion THAT would be an honor killing!
- Plumbline
When will we learn that we cannot live as God would have us live, without the Power of the Holy Spirit. These muslim girls are given laws that are contrary to our sinful nature, and failure to measure up always follows. To condemn them to death is to be a hypocrite, as other family members may break other laws of God. God has made a different way for us to be saved from our sinful nature, with its corruption, not in the letter of the Law, but in the Power of Gods Spirit put within our hearts when we accept Jesus as our saviour.........
...........2 Corinthians 3:3-11......
............3 clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.............
............THE SPIRIT, NOT THE LETTER.........
............4 And we have such trust through Christ toward God. 5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God, 6 who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life............
..............GLORY OF THE NEW COVENANT...........
.........7 But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which glory was passing away, 8 how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious? 9 For if the ministry of condemnation had glory, the ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in glory. 10 For even what was made glorious had no glory in this respect, because of the glory that excels. 11 For if what is passing away was glorious, what remains is much more glorious.
- lonborghini
Silence christian infidel! You do not understand your own scriptures.
"But if this charge is true (that she wasn't a virgin on her wedding night), and evidence of the girls virginity is not found, they shall bring the girl to the entrance of her fathers house and there her townsman shall stone her to death, because she committed a crime against Israel by her unchasteness in her father's house. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst." (Deuteronomy 22:20-21 NAB)
- Robin McWilliams
Um, that is old testament, not new testament, when Jesus said "let the one among you who has not sinned cast the first stone" and not one could say he was free of sin.
- lonborghini
So you're calling Jesus a liar or just ignorant?
"For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." (Matthew 5:18)
I defy you to look back in the last 25, 50 even 100 years of Jewish history and find even ONE case of a girl being stoned. Islamists practice their vile religious practices TODAY...So why don't you be silent?
- Chechen women in mortal fear as (their) president backs Islamic honor killings - Washington Times
- Today 04:40 PM
- Chechen women in mortal fear as president backs Islamic honor killings - Washington Times: via @washtimes
- Today 04:36 PM
- Hard 2 believe a gov wld condone killing women considered 2 have "loose morals " in ths day, #sharialaw #women #tcot
- Today 04:28 PM
- Chechen Islamic Sharia Honor Killings Green Lighted: Leftist Feminist outrage in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . just kidding
- Today 04:12 PM
- Chechen Prez An Honor Killer: “If a woman runs around and if a man runs around with her, both of them should be killed”
- Today 03:31 PM
- Chechen women in mortal fear as president backs Islamic honor killings (Diana Markosian /...
- Today 03:20 PM
- Chechen women in mortal fear as president backs Islamic honor killings - @cnn @abc @nbc @cbs via @washtimes
- Today 03:15 PM
- Chechen women in mortal fear as president backs Islamic honor killings - Washington Times
- Today 02:26 PM
- Chechen Women In Mortal Fear as President Backs Islamic Honour Killings #women
- Today 02:14 PM
- How is this okay??? "@washtimes: Chechen women fear for their lives as government OKs honor killings #chechnya”
- Today 01:42 PM
- Chechen president backs Islamic honor killings: (Washington Times) He describes women as the property of their h...
- 4 hours ago
- Chechen women in mortal fear as president backs Islamic honor killings - Washington Times: via @washtimes
- 4 hours ago
- RT @washtimes: Chechen women fear for their lives as government OKs honor killings #chechnya
- 4 hours ago
- One more retweet from BelovedofGod
- Chechen women in mortal fear as president backs Islamic honor killings
- 5 hours ago
- Chechen women in mortal fear as president backs Islamic honor killings
- 5 hours ago
- RT @ibnkafka: This takes place in Russia, a Council of Europe member RT @AzraaMoo Chechnya, no. Don't do this!
- 5 hours ago
- This takes place in Russia, a Council of Europe member RT @AzraaMoo Chechnya, no. Don't do this!
- 5 hours ago
- Chechen women in mortal fear as president backs honor killings
- 7 hours ago
- Chechen women in fear as president Kadyrov supports honor killings