Wednesday 4 April 2012


On Wednesday 4th April, ex-Detective Sergeant Christopher Laycock will appear for sentencing in a Sydney court, for a string of offences. These stem from the Cobalt Report, which was presented by the Police Integrity Commission to Parliament in 2005, and which presents him as one of the most notorious criminals in Australian history.

But, what meets the eye will be something of a mirage. His last hearing, on 29th March 2012, was closed to the public, on account of a mysterious 30 page 'naming and shaming' document, which his lawyer had dramatically presented at the hearing previous to this. The AAP has subsequently reported what the court has instructed them to report.

The real story here is not only what is in that document, and why it has taken 8 years for Laycock to meet his fate, but what the New South Wales Crime Commission, and the AFP, have hidden from the public for 7 years.

The Laycock gang, including John Robert Dunks, and David John Hopes, engaged almost every crime in the book. One was drug syndication. Indeed, a man called William Miller had named Dunks, on oath, to a court, as the man who had given him the job to pick up a quantity of marijuana from Sydney airport, on 8th October 2004.

You will recognize the date, and perhaps the name. Miller had been ridiculed by the media in July 2005, as a money chaser, when he broadly presented this story in the wake of Schapelle Corby's dysfunctional Bali trial. 

The NSWCC and AFP? The Expendable Project have just published an extract from the minutes of a confidential NSWCC internal meeting, attended by Mark Standen, amongst others (header attached). 

This confirms that Dunks was a 'Person Of Interest' in 2004, and that the NSWCC had secretly recorded a conversation between him, and Miller. The conversation corroborated Miller's account of the airport pickup job.

The NSWCC recognized the significance of this recording, and consulted a named officer within the AFP with this information. 

But both parties sat on it. Schapelle Corby was never told. No-one was ever told.

No-one would ever have been told, had The Expendable Project not obtained those minutes. 

The latest Expendable report should be read very carefully. It can be viewed on the following web page:

The Laycock/Miller affair is documented in Section 2. On Page 2-34 of the PDF you will find the extracts from the NSWCC meeting.

The Expendable Project have stated that further information will be published in due course.