Monday 22 November 2010

AHEPA: Partition for Cyprus an Intolerable Solution

For Immediate Release
Monday, November 22, 2010

Contact: AHEPA Headquarters
Phone: (202) 232-6300

News Release

Cyprus Divided

AHEPA: Partition for Cyprus an Intolerable Solution

WASHINGTON - Nicholas A. Karacostas, supreme president of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), a leading association for the nation's three million American citizens of Greek heritage, and Philhellenes, issued the following statement on former British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw's November 8, 2010 op-ed in the London Times where he proposes Great Britain to "consider the formal partition of Cyprus" if the current negotiations fail:"

"Former British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw's proposal of partition of Cyprus as a solution to illegal invasion and subsequent 36-year illegal occupation of the Republic of Cyprus by Turkey is intolerable.

"Partition is not acceptable within the UN framework of a federal solution--a single sovereignty. We were encouraged that British Deputy Foreign Minister for European Affairs David Lidington, before the British House of Commons on November 16, stated unequivocally that partition is not supported by the British government. Partition is prohibited by treaty and protocols signed between Great Britain and the Republic of Cyprus.

"We call on the community to be ever-vigilant on Cyprus as the negotiations between President Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu continue. Unacceptable proposals from outside influences, such as the one of partition by Mr. Straw, are unacceptable. A solution for Cyprus must be achieved by Cypriots for all Cypriots."

In addition, Supreme President Karacostas drew attention to the commentary of Dr. Ted Galen Carpenter, vice president, Defense and Foreign Policy Studies, Cato Institute, which was published in The Washington Times on November 19, 2010. His commentary "Sacrificing an island: Will the West give up Cyprus to placate an irritable Turkey?" provides perspective on why partition is "a mistake" both practically and morally in Dr. Carpenter's words.

"We thank Dr. Carpenter for his excellent commentary," said Karacostas.

Please read Dr. Carpenter's commentary by clicking here.


AHEPA is the largest Greek-American association in the world with chapters in the United States, Canada, Greece, Cyprus, and sister chapters in Australia and New Zealand. It was established in 1922 by visionary Greek Americans to protect Hellenes from prejudice originating from the KKK, and in its history, AHEPA joined with the NAACP and B'nai B'rith International to fight discrimination.

The mission of the AHEPA family is to promote the ancient Greek ideals of education, philanthropy, civic responsibility and family and individual excellence through community service and volunteerism.

For more information about the AHEPA family, or how to join, please contact AHEPA Headquarters, (202) 232-6300, or visit