Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Jim Rogers in Conversation | Balliol College

Latest events at Balliol

Jim Rogers in Conversation

4 November 2010 Lecture Room 23

After Yale and then PPE at Balliol, Jim Rogers became a Wall Street legend when he co-founded the Quantum Fund, a global-investment partnership. During the next 10 years, the portfolio gained 4200%, while the S&P 500 rose less than 50%. Rogers then decided to retire – at age 37.

In 1990–1992, Rogers travelled 100,000 miles across six continents on a motorcycle, gaining his first entry in the Guinness book of World Records. He chronicled his adventures in Investment Biker: On the Road with Jim Rogers.

In 1999, he travelled for 1101 days, passing through 116 countries, on his second Guinness World Record journey – an achievement captured in his best-seller, Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip. His latest book, published in 2009, is A Gift to My Children: A Father’s Lessons for Life and Investing.

Free admission by Ticket Only – available in advance from the Lodge.


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