Thursday 27 January 2011

Suspected Massacre in Suez, Egypt - Activist Post: Further Information

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Further Information on Suspected Massacre in Suez, Egypt

Disturbing reports of a massacre at the coastal town of Suez, in Egypt, are coming through Raw Story and the Egyptian Association for Change USA. From what we can ascertain, the whole city is on lock-down with a complete media blackout. Journalists from Al Jazeera and other reputable media outlets have been prevented from getting any where near Suez.

A statement on the Egyptian Association for Change USA Facebook wall reads:

...The situation in Suez copied and translated word for word from an Egyptian living in Suez: Now everything is fully destroyed, it is as if we are in emergency curfew, armored vehicles/tanks are everywhere in the area of 'Irbieen' and in the governerate - and we hear the sound of bombs/grenades every few minutes and there is still live ammunition and the protesters are brave men and women and none of them are afraid nor did anyone run or escape, even though they know that alot of protesters are detained in towers since 9 o'clock and there are no networks to confirm that parents are okay and security forces and fully in charge and we have yet to see the mayor, he hasn't even made a statement about what has happened and to comfort the parents of those who were jailed and the parents are enraged. One of the parents hasn't even received the body of her daughter until now and chaos is filling the place and we do not know what fate will being to us tomorrow with this government...

Few pictures or videos are coming out of Suez, but what we have been able to obtain do look very disturbing. A grainy photograph below, courtesy of Rassd News Network, shows fires in the streets of Suez and protesters milling around, probably shortly before the military crackdown on the protesters:

Some Arabic language audio reports are being posted up on YouTube, but as I do not speak Arabic I am unable to make use of them. As soon as English Language or subtitled versions start appearing, they will be posted to this site.

Naturally, I will post updates to the situation as and when they come.