Friday, 17 June 2011

Free Maurice Didham | The New Zealand Police are Professional Liars

My Story

My name is Maurice Didham, I am a 72-year-old pensioner and on November 22, 2010 I was arrested for growing marijuana in my South Dunedin bathroom.

On February 1 this year I pleaded guilty to growing cannabis for supply, thinking that co-operating would help speed the process along, even though I had not actually sold any cannabis. When the Police busted me I had only 675g of dried cannabis, and 200 seedlings in my bathroom under a single 250W light.

Of course I knew I had been breaking the law, and that I would have to face some unpleasant consequences. However I was not prepared for the fanciful exaggerations and outright inventions by police prosecutor Sgt Tom Scouller. By extrapolating from those 200 plants, that I would yield an incredible 50lbs of saleable cannabis, worth a hugely exaggerated figure of $240,000, my tiny home operation was turned into an imaginary major drug bust. Instead of a quick judiciary process through the District Court which would most likely have resulted in a period of home detention; I was told by the judge that due to the large amount of (imaginary) money involved, my case would have to be heard in the High Court, and end up with me serving potentially 4 to 5 years in prison. My sentencing was supposed to take place on June 8th but thanks to the large numbers of protesters outside the court the extreme exaggeration that seems to be business as usual for the New Zealand Police didn't go unnoticed.  The Judge said that the Police evidence may need to be reviewed and adjourned my sentencing until August 3rd to allow time for me to present more evidence and dispute the Police summary of facts.

There is still a very real possibility that I will be sent to prison, but thankfully the portesters have vowed to return to the steps of the Dunedin Courthouse on August 3rd.