Submitting Scripts
The Old Vic is a commercial theatre, relying on box office receipts for the majority of its income.We are therefore looking for plays that have the scope and ambition to fill The Old Vic's 1,000-seat auditorium.
We are unable to consider unsolicited scripts. Please submit via your agent, in hard copy only, to:Special Projects Manager, The Old Vic, The Cut, London SE1 8NB. Please enclose a half-page synopsis, and a stamped addressed envelope for its return.
You will receive a readers' report within three months, although this process may take longer if your script goes forward to be second read.We read work of any length and accept scripts from abroad (in English).If you are writing from outside the UK, please include International Reply Coupons to the required value (we will recycle scripts which are sent to us without postage for return).
Please note that we do not accept handwritten scripts; excerpts or incomplete scripts; radio, television or film scripts; novels or poetry.
Script Reading
The work our script readers do is invaluable to the continued success of The Old Vic.They ensure that every script we receive is carefully considered, and that the results of each reading are documented for future reference.
If you think you have the relevant critical and theatrical knowledge to become a script reader, please send us your cv, together with two examples of recent script reports, to:Simon Fliegner, The Old Vic, The Cut, London SE1 8NB or e-mail Simon Fliegner on ovtcadmin@oldvictheatre.orgUS/UK Exchange
Launched in 2002, this unique project saw writers, not previously produced on the other side of the Atlantic, having their work showcased in a series of readings in either New York or London.
Between 2002 and 2004, 20 writers took part in the exchange, including Richard Bean, Stephen Belber, Simon Stephens, Debbie Tucker Green and Roy Williams. Keith Bunin, Sarah Ruhl
The Exchange programme has now been relaunched to showcase the talents of our New Voices Club actors, directors, producers and writers.Please click here to read more.