Monday, 12 December 2011

Children of OWS post paper hearts, cops rip them down | The Raw Story

Children of OWS post paper hearts, cops rip them down

By Muriel Kane
Sunday, December 11, 2011



An anti-bullying march by parents and children directed against the New York Police Department’s arrests of peaceful protesters encountered a first-hand taste of what they were protesting against when police ripped down the paper hearts the children were attempting to post at City Hall.

As described by Margaret Flowers at, “Parents for Occupy Wall Street, a collective community of parents & organizations in support of Occupy Wall Street met in Union Square Park on Saturday, December 10th (The International Day of Human Rights) to create 5,000 paper hearts to be delivered to Mayor Bloomberg. Each paper heart represented a peaceful protester that has been wrongfully arrested since the emergence of Occupy Wall Street movement.”

“We marched down to City Hall with our children eager to deliver our hearts and our message,” the account continues. “As we were not allowed onto the steps of City Hall due to renovations underway, we decided to tape the hearts onto the gates in front. We as parents watched in disbelief and disgust as the NYPD tore down the children’s artwork, ripped their hearts, and broke the children’s signs over their knees.”

This video was posted by Parents for OWS at YouTube, December 11, 2011.

Muriel Kane
Muriel Kane

Muriel Kane is an associate editor at Raw Story. She joined Raw Story as a researcher in 2005, with a particular focus on the Jack Abramoff affair and other Bush administration scandals. She worked extensively with former investigative news managing editor Larisa Alexandrovna, with whom she has co-written numerous articles in addition to her own work. Prior to her association with Raw Story, she spent many years as an independent researcher and writer with a particular focus on history, literature, and contemporary social and political attitudes. Follow her on Twitter at @Muriel_Kane

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