Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Lesism - by Les Floyd: Girls - The Solution to your Slow PC Problem

Girls - The Solution to your Slow PC Problem

PLEASE retweet the heck out of this blog, +1 it, email it to your friends, post it on Facebook and Twitter and Google +

If you have a PC and you’ve noticed that it’s running slowly or becoming more and more unresponsive, I think you may well be astonished by the information this blog contains.

My own PC has been driving me quietly mad over the past few months – it has been exposed to the sort of language that would have made pirates blush.

Despite having a full anti-virus suite and using AdAware and Spyware Blaster, it’s been giving me a whole host of problems, such as lag when typing (particularly on web pages, and in ‘chat clients’ such as on Facebook), strange behaviour when scrolling down pages and I’ve even had issues with my wireless mouse, where the cursor would freeze and jump.

All in all, it’s been immensely frustrating and despite all my efforts to ‘clean’ the computer with methods such as running virus scans, regularly using Disk Clean Up, defragmenting the hard drive and slapping it hard while shouting “BASTARD!”, nothing has worked…

… until now…

These simple instructions, below, fixed every single complaint in the space of five minutes… without buying any software or having some professor of quantum mechanics (or a depressed PC World engineer) help me out.

The mouse is zippy again, pages are loading faster, I can type at full speed without waiting for the words to catch up with me.

It’s like having a brand new computer again.

Here goes… and please, follow the instructions very closely:

Go to the Start Menu (bottom left-hand corner of your screen)

Type (in the box that says ‘Search programs and files’): Run

This will bring up a list – you should click on the Run program (which should be at the top of the list)

Now, in the box that appears, type: REGEDIT

This will bring up a security box. Click Yes.

Now, in the top left of the window that opens, click on EDIT and then select FIND.

Type in ‘girl’ and press Return.

(At this juncture, I would like to point out that this is an issue that is exploiting all browsers available to the PC and I am NOT a porn fiend!)

If you now find that a registry key called ‘asian girls’ is highlighted, then you’re about 30 seconds away from fixing your computer.

Scroll carefully up to the top of that subfolder (which is jam packed with adware, malware and spyware) and you’ll see that it’s called DOMAINS. Above it will be a folder called ZONE MAPS.

Right click and DELETE only the DOMAINS folder.

That’s it. Problem solved.

Reboot your computer and then marvel at how speedy everything is again! It’s like magic!

Huge thanks to Ima Truther and Mark Aldiss for bringing this to my attention. They’ve quite honestly saved me from junking what, it is now clear, is a fully functional computer.

Ima warns that this folder will keep reappearing, so check often.

I think this is going to save a lot of people a lot of money on looking for solutions to fix the problem, such as buying registry cleaning software (doesn’t work – bought something from Lavasoft last week that didn’t do a thing), paying for computer engineer time, or even buying a new computer.

PLEASE retweet the heck out of this blog, +1 it, email it to your friends, post it on Facebook and Twitter and Google +

This absolutely will save a heck of a lot of people time, money and a great deal of frustration.

