NYT’s Nicholas Kristof Detained By Bahraini Police
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While in Bahrain to witness clashes between anti-government protesters and security forces, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof was detained when police “pulled” him into their car. Kristof was present at a protest in Sitra, a city outside of Bahrain’s capital of Manama, when riot police began to fire tear gas and broke up the protest. As Kristof tweeted after the police had put him in their car,
“not sure if I’m being detained or protected.”
Kristof’s colleague Adam Ellick tweeted that he was “dragged” into a police car, and that police (who were from Pakistan) did not allow him to leave.
Kristof was able to post updates on Twitter while in police custody:
“Police seem to think this is awkward, holding me in car while they squelch protest. One very nicely offered me water.”
“Boy, if I were them, I’d take my Blackberry.”
“Policeman in my car is cursing protesters. He says twice he has been injured in last 6 months.”
“He says police are not supposed to beat protesters but says sometimes they have to, to restore order.”
“Sr cop arrived and let me go. My videographer, @aellick, was in different police car and also freed.” #Bahrain
“Adam says his camera got hit by tear gas grenade or rubber bullet. Then a cop hit him and the camera, breaking part of it.”
“The blows came after Adam had shouted twice that he was an American journalist.”
After Kristof was released, Bahrain’s Ministry of the Interior tweeted that he had not been arrested but had been seeking police protection. Kristof responded to the Bahraini government’s comment with this tweet:
“I’m fascinated to learn from #Bahrain govt statement that I wasn’t detained but “sought police protection.” #sarcasm
This last remark of Kristof’s was retweeted by human rights activist Zainab Alkhawaja who was with Kristof and Ellick before they were detained.
Read more: al-Khawaja, bahrain, blackberry, human rights, manama, martial law, mideast conflict, new-york-times, nicholas kristof, pearl roundabout, pearl square, regional conflict, saudi arabia, sitra, torture, twitter, zainab al-khawaja
Photo of Kristof by World Economic Forum
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11:44PM PST on Dec 10, 2011Twitter is proving yo be quite usefull in the right hands! Sorry Justin, Ashton & Alec B....
10:52PM PST on Dec 10, 2011There should be some basic protections for journalists that do not involve police "protection." This is not just a problem overseas. Witness NYC and the big round up of journalists along with protesters.
4:50PM PST on Dec 10, 2011I am glad he was not injured or taken to jail. He is a hero of mine along with his wife ever since I read HALF THE SKY. It is very important that reporters keep documenting all that goes on in the world-- but sometimes extra measures should be taken to keep them safe.
2:17PM PST on Dec 10, 2011This is not an unfamiliar cop. He has harassed me many times. He did so the other day as I went for my walk.
He had another name, he had another face, he had another rank. Same cop.
10:13AM PST on Dec 10, 2011I have to wonder why this ex-cop is not in one of our own American jails where he apparently was nothing more than a thug. Bahrain resorting to Pakistani police and this American thug shows they don't care about their people's civil rights and liberties.
7:40AM PST on Dec 10, 2011All of this is lies at the feet of America, just one month before the first protest broke out, the US sold Bahrain $77 million USD of weapons to put down such civil unrest. Actually, the Saudis did much of the fighting.
It appears that America was overrun by its own work, the Middle East Partnership Initiative, a 7 nation, 5 year plan to destabilize the Middle East and to effect regime change.
We just didn't consider that the Bahraini people would join in the unrest, after all, they are truly ruled by a dictatorship..
7:24AM PST on Dec 10, 2011Nicholas Kristof is a very brave man, so are the rest of the new corp who have been beaten, sexually assaulted and died for covering things they felt needed covering.
But Vance, Mr. Krugman isn't mentioned in the article. I'm kind of confused.
5:45AM PST on Dec 10, 2011So from now on when there are riots, we'll have American-style "crowd control" in response?
Considering the great job they've done here at home with Occupy, there's no comfort in that.
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Sunday, 11 December 2011
NYT's Nicholas Kristof Detained By Bahraini Police | Care2 Causes
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