Monday 2 April 2012

Schapelle Corby - EXPENDABLE REPORTS NOW INTERACTIVE The Expendable Reports, which include the government emails and cables proving their corruption in the wilful sacrifice of Schapelle, can now be viewed interactively. All report pages on Expendable.TV h

The Expendable Reports

The Transit Report
Wilfully withholding evidence, lies, & cover up.  Adjunct: Supplement

The Mutual Evasion Report
Duplicity, evasion and gross misrepresentation

The Whitewash Report
The cover-up of the AFP's political role & corruption

The Show Trial Report
Legal and human rights abuses at the Bali trial

The Insider Report
The decimation of Schapelle Corby's appeal

The PowderGate Report
Exploitation, misinformation & manipulation of perception

The Political Seizure Report
Appeal sabotage, abuse endorsement, and extortion

The DFAT Network Report
Hostile propaganda, lobbying, and misinformation

The FOI Abuse Report
Complicity, cover up, and abuse of legal rights

The Primary Smear Report
Smears, fabrication & hostile propaganda

The Opinion Management Report
Propaganda and the management of public opinion

The Prison Abuse Report
Human rights abuse, intimidation, discrimination

The Quango Report
Cover-up, complicity & the sanctioning of abuse

The Mental Illness Report
Human rights abuse, mental torture, cruelty

... more coming soon.

The Case Exhibit Gallery

View Government Cables, Correspondence, & Documents

The Insider Interviews

Allan Kessing Explains The Political Cover Up

Robert McJannett On Brutality, Corruption And Complicity.

Media Insider Interviews:
The Col Chapman Tape.

Case Information

• The Absence Of Motive 

• Schapelle Corby's Health
• Schapelle Corby's Family
• A Humanitarian Appeal
• Schapelle Corby's Book 

• Australian Police Corruption
• Abusive Broadcasting Methods 
• Your Letters To Canberra 

• Expendable Promotion
• Reaction To Expendable
• Artists For Schapelle

Project Announcements

Third Party Hostility

Expendable: The Official Trailer

View Expendable As Mini Films

• Prelude & Politics
• The AFP
• The ABC
• The Organs Of State
• Epilogue: The Human Cost

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