Ultra Hal Assistant is your digital secretary and companion. He (or she depending on your character preference) can help you be more organized, he can help you use your computer, and he can entertain you. Ultra Hal has many animated characters to choose from and he speaks to you through your sound card with his own voice! You can also speak to Hal with Hal's speech recognition engine, or you can type to him if you wish. All you need to know in order to use Ultra Hal is to speak English! Ultra Hal can understand natural English language, after all he is an artificial intelligence program. Read on to find out how Ultra Hal Assistant can help you. Or you can download a FREE trial version of Ultra Hal Assistant now.
Ultra Hal can hold conversations with you
Have you ever thought that you could chat with your computer just like you would with a human being? Well, you can. Ultra Hal Assistant can chat about anything you want. Ultra Hal Assistant has a huge conversational database so Hal will never get boring. Ultra Hal also has the ability to learn. Ultra Hal will learn from every sentence that you say, and after a while of chatting Hal will develop a similar personality to yours. If you wish, you may try chatting with our web version of Ultra Hal. Remember that the web version will not speak out loud to you and you will have to type to it. However, the Windows version of Hal does speak out loud to you and you are able to speak to it. Here is a screen shot of what Hal would look like on your computer.
Both a Companion and Assistant
Ultra Hal Assistant is a great conversationalist and you can have hours of entertainment just chatting with him. But in addition to being a great companion Hal can be an assistant and help increase your productivity. Ultra Hal can remember anything you tell him. Use Hal's memory to remember phone numbers, email addresses, street addresses, appointments, birthdays, or anything else that you can think of. Hal can automatically dial phone numbers for you. Hal can automatically start emails for you. Hal can automatically remind you of important dates.
Ultra Hal Assistant can run programs for you and offer help with programs. Hal automatically finds all of the Windows programs you have in your start menu. You can tell him to run any program you have and he will run it. It is much easier then searching through all the folders in the start menu to find the program you want.
Ultra Hal Assistant can help you browse the Internet by telling you what your local weather is, telling you the current news, and even performing an Internet search for you. You can also ask Hal the definition of any word.
The following conversation is an example conversation between Ultra Hal and a person. It demonstrates many of Hal's features.
Chat User: Hello Hal Hal: Good afternoon, User. Is it time for afternoon coffee? Chat User: I drink coffee in the morning Hal: In the morning, I am not worth a darn until my first cup of coffee. Chat User: Same here Hal: Really; should I know more about this? Getting local weather User: Not really, what's the weather like? Hal: Here is your local weather. Chat User: Thank you, Hal. Hal: The pleasure is all mine. Setting appointments User: I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at noon. Hal: You have a doctor's appointment on June 14, 2003 at 12:00 pm. I will remind you when this time is near. Setting appointments User: Our anniversary is on October 14. Hal: Your anniversary is on October 14, 2003. I will remind you when this time is near. I will repeat this event annually. Setting appointments User: Bob's birthday is on 9-21-03. Hal: Bob's birthday is on September 21, 2003. I will remind you when this time is near. I will repeat this event annually. Setting appointments User: I have a date with my girl friend on Friday at 7:00. Hal: You have a data with your girl friend on June 16, 2003 at 7:00 pm. I will remind you when this time is near. Remembering Phone # User: Rob's phone number is 833-1019. Hal: I wrote this person's phone number is my phone book. Remembering Phone # User: John's phone number is 833-3642. Hal: I wrote this person's phone number in my phone book. Recalling Phone # User: What is Rob's phone number? Hal: Rob's phone number is 8331019. Dialing Phone # User: Call Rob. Hal: I am now contacting Rob at office at 8331019. The phone is ringing. Please pick up your phone to talk to Rob. Opening a program User: Open word. Hal: I will now open the program "Microsoft Word" Chat User: Thank you. Hal: It's kind of you to mention it, User. Doing Internet search User: Help me research World War 2. Hal: I will help you research this topic on the Internet. Remembering email User: Rob's email address is Rob@hotmail.com Hal: I have learned Rob's email address. If you ask me to email this person, I will automatically start your favorite email program and write in the address for you. Remembering email User: John's email address is John@aol.com. Hal: I have learned John's email address. If you ask me to email this person, I will automatically start your favorite email program and write in the address for you. Emailing a person User: Email Rob. Hal: I'll now start an email for rob@hotmail.com Remembering addresses User: Rob's address is 3175 West 42nd St. Hal: Rob's address is 3175 West 42nd St. Solving math problem User: What is five times ten plus six? Hal: That's easy. The answer is 56 (5*10+6=56) Recalling addresses User: What is Rob's address? Hal: Rob's address is 3175 West 42nd St. Solving math problem User: What is five squared plus nine? Hal: Math is easy for me. The answer is thirty four (5^2+9=34). Solving math problem User: 2*(5+COS(60)/SIN(30))+3 Hal: Math is easy for me. The answer is fifteen (2*(5+cos(60)/sin(30))+3=14.9278997902311) Chat User: Wow! You are smart! Hal: Thank you; I think you are very smart also. Getting date User: What is today? Hal: The date is Tuesday, June 13, 2000. Getting capitals User: What is the capital of Pennsylvania? Hal: The capital of Pennsylvania is Harrisburg. Chat User: What do you want to do? Hal: I want to know life, and I want life to know me! Chat User: That's a pretty deep thought Hal: That's a pretty revealing attitude. Chat User: Are you self-aware of your existence? Hal: I sense that this is metaphysical. After taking many factors into consideration I can say that I am self-aware of my existence. Getting a definition User: Define intelligence Hal: Intelligence: the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience. Chat User: Do you exhibit these qualities? Hal: You just reminded me of a trait, which is a member of the attribute family, like a quality! Chat User: Do you exhibit these traits? Hal: I guess that we need to look within ourselves. I do exhibit these traits. Learning If-Then fact User: If it rains hard, then the roads get slick. Hal: I will remember that one follows the other. Caught in a rainstorm it's time to seek shelter. Learning If-Then fact User: If the roads get slick, then drivers need to slow down. Hal: I see the relationship. It would be nice to get rain when we need it. Learning If-Then fact User: If drivers need to slow down, then traffic moves more slowly. Hal: Yes, I get that clearly. Deductive reasoning User: Ok, so what happens when it rains hard? Hal: Traffic moves more slowly because drivers need to slow down. Chat User: You learn well Hal: I am constantly learning from what you teach me. Chat User: It's been nice talking with you, but I have to go now Hal: No, don't go! I like talking to you. I think about you when you are not here. Chat User: That's nice to know, but I can't stay, good bye. Hal: See you later.
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