Tuesday 25 January 2011

January newsletter

Fawcett Society

This year, Fawcett has big plans.

We will be campaigning on two key fronts – the way in which cuts will hit women, and the lack of women involved in politics. For too long, women have been excluded from the democratic process. At the same time, what equality women have achieved is under threat as public spending cuts undermine the jobs, services and benefits many rely on.

Challenging the lack of women in politics

4 out of 5 MPs are men, women make up just 4 out of 23 Cabinet members. At the current rate of progress, a child born today will be drawing her pension before she has an equal voice in the goverment of her country. Fawcett will be working hard to challenge this injustice, keep an eye on our website to see how our campaign develops. In the meantime, tell us what you think needs to change – we will make sure your voices are heard: democracy@fawcettsociety.org.uk

Why should women bear the brunt of cuts?

Fawcett is continuing to fight back against cuts that are set to undermine women's equality. We urgently need you to share your experiences with our policy team and possibly the media to show how the cuts are beginning to bite. If you are being directly affected by the cuts and want to help, get in touch economy@fawcettsociety.org.uk / 020 7253 2598

100th anniversary of International Women's Day!

Fawcett is joining forces with a number of other charities such as Oxfam and Ammesty International to make sure anniversary celebrations on 8th March go off with a bang. Our new campaign 'Equals' will see a range of events across the country, visit the weareequals site to find out more, or follow the campaign on Facebook and Twitter.

We rely on the support of people like you to continue our campaigns. Please donate to Fawcett today to help us close the inequality gap.

Established in 1866, Fawcett is the UK’s leading campaign for equality between women and men. Our vision is of a society in which women and men enjoy equality at work, at home and in public life. We campaign on women’s representation in politics and public life; pay, pensions and poverty; valuing caring work; and the treatment of women in the justice system. We make real differences in women’s lives by creating awareness, leading debate and driving change and we have real lobbying power. Our successes range from a change in the law to allow political parties to use all-women shortlists to increase the number of women MPs, to reform of the rape law, to a new duty on public bodies to promote equality between women and men.

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Fawcett Society