Tuesday 25 January 2011

Shell apologises


Shell apologises

Main photo


Dear Reader,

Royal Dutch Shell is extremely proud to be the first international petrochemical company to publicly say:

We are sorry.

Our Board of Directors, in cooperation with Shell’s newly established Ethical Affairs Committee, has just in time come to the conclusion that Shell’s operations in the Niger Delta need to be subject to a serious, thorough and humbling re-evaluation.

We therefore promise that we shall:

  • Make our public commitments to the environment and human rights a
  • Monitor the social and human rights impact of all our operations;
  • Disclose information and undertake respectful consultation with affected communities;
  • Clean up all the pollution we have caused in the Niger Delta.

The measures shall be effective immediately. A more comprehensive plan of action will be presented at Shell’s Annual General Meeting on Tuesday May 18 in The Hague.

We look forward to apologising some more then!

Bradford Houppe
Vice-President of the Ethical Affairs Committee
Royal Dutch Shell
