Thursday 4 August 2011

The Words of the Prime Minister David Cameron on Gary McKinnon


Janis letter to parliament
Janis letter to Obama
Simon Baron-Cohens report
The situation with the Home Office

Gary Mckinnon

In The Words of The Prime Minister David Cameron

Mr Cameron said: 'Gary McKinnon is a vulnerable young man and I see no compassion in sending him thousands of miles away from his home and loved ones to face trial.

"I am deeply saddened and worried about the case of Gary McKinnon. I am saddened because he is clearly a vulnerable young man with a recognised medical condition.

"I simply see no compassion in sending him away to serve a lengthy prison sentence, thousands of miles away from his home, his family and his friends.

'If he has questions to answer, there is a clear argument to be made that he should answer them in a British court.'

"The Extradition Act was put in place to ensure terrorists didn't escape justice. It was never intended to deal with a case like Gary's."

Daily Mail p20, 14 July 2009

"It should still mean something to be a British citizen - with the full protection of the British Parliament, rather than a British Government trying to send you off to a foreign court"

This case raises serious questions about the workings of the Extradition Act, which should be reviewed."

Conservatives website, 31 July 2009