Time24 October · 09:00 - 12:00
LocationThe Hungarian Embassy or Hungarian Consulate nearest you. If you don't live near one of these places, we have addresses you can write to.
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More infoThe week of September 16, a Romani village in Hungary was attacked by Neo Nazis who are the core of the Hungarian poltical party known as Jobbik. Houses belonging to Romani (Gypsy) people or families were set on fire and as Romani people ran out from the fires, the Nazis shot them. Over 600 women and children had to be evacuted for safety. There are several other examples of Romani people being attacked. Neo Nazis patrol Romani... neighborhoods at night, if someone is found outside, for any reason, they are either raped or murdered. Here is a link to a website that further discusses the situation in Hungary. http://www.subchat.com/otchat/read.asp?Id=771978.Please note, Romani people are not from Romania. Romani people are ethinc Gypsies. Originally Romani people were kidnapped out of India and sold into slavery. Hitler had 1.5 million Romani's murdered during WWII. Most people don't know that the same documents used to address Hitler's "solution" to eliminating Jews, also contained directions on how to eliminate Gypsies. The Romani are being targeted again, by Neo Nazis.
We are asking all people who support basic Human Rights, regardless of nationality, to help the Romani people of Hungary. There are several ways to help. We ask those who live in close proximity to a Hungarian Embassy or Consulate to march to the respective site, on Monday, October 24, 2011 at 9 a.m., your time. Here are addresses to help in locating the approriate site:
Washington D.C. embassy
3910 Shoemaker St. N.W.
Washington D.C. 20008
telephone 1 202-362-6730Los Angeles 11766 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 410 Los Angeles Ca 90025
1 310-473-9344New York 223 E. 52 St.
New York, N.Y. 10011Two websites that list worldwide Hungarian Embassies and Consulates
http://embassy.goabroad.com/embassies-in/hungaryIf you can not visit an Embassy, you can write to U.S. Secretary of State, Hilary Rodham Clinton. She is a supporter of Romani people, her husband, former U.S. President Bill Clinton is Romani. Here is a form letter you can send her with address,
PA/PL, Rm. 2206
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20520Dear Madam Secretary Clinton,
I know you are a proud supporter of the Romani Gypsy/Cigany people. I wanted to let you know that the Hungarian Romani people are facing growing violence from Neo Nazis. Nazis often patrol Romani neighborhoods at night. If a Romani is found outside, they are often raped, murdered or both. Last week in a Romani village, several Romani homes were set on fire. When the Roma people ran out of the buildings on fire, Neo Nazis shot them. Hungary is in danger of repeating the history of Germany during WWII and the millions of deaths at places like Auzwich.
I have read reports of Romani people commiting crimes such as theft. When people are not allowed to work or earn a living wage, they turn to subsistance crimes. The Romani have turned to these crimes to provide food for their children and elders. Romani people are like any other group of people, who are proud of who they are and love their families. I implore you to look into this situation and work to protect the Romani people of Hungary. The Romani people look to you as an advocate, a protector. I know you won't want to miss this opportunity to continue your work on behalf of the Romani people.
Please see these two websites that support what I write. https://wcd.coe.int/wcd/ViewDoc.jsp?Ref=20110922-final&Language=lanEnglish&Ver=original&Site=Congress&BackColorInternet=C3C3C3&BackColorIntranet=CACC9A&BackColorLogged=EFEA9C
Here is a form letter you us to write to the Prime Minister of Hungary. You can cut and paste the letter, to email you can send the letter to, miniszterelnok@me.gov.hu.The letter is written in both English and Hungarian. It is probably best to include both the English and Hungarian versions of the letter so your intent can be clearly understood. Our translation may not be perfect.
Viktor Orban
Prime minister of Hungary
Dear sir,
I am a concerned individual when it comes to the treatment of Romany Gypsys or the Cigany population within your country. The Romany people are a very proud and strong race. When given a choice any Roma would choose to work a good job and live in peace . They are not a lazy people. Due to the attitude and hostility toward the Roma within your borders they do not have the chance to seek jobs and be productive citizens. I hear many reports coming from your country talking of the roma situation and the high crime rates within the Roma population. Sir,I ask you, if you were faced with no other option to feed your family, but crime, would you not choose it? Would you allow your children to starve because you had no money to buy food and no jobs were available to you, that would enable you to earn a honest wages. It defies simple logic that a person would allow their race or ethnicity to stop them from providing for their family.When people, such as the Romani commit such crimes, they are known as subsistance crimes. I see news footage of Neo Nazi groups, setting fires to Roma houses. I hear and see news reports where hundreds of women and children have had to be evacuated from various towns because of Neo Nazi attacks and threats. I know that you have control over the actions of the Neo Nazis when you make it a priority. The Neo Nazis could not be patrolling the streets, attacking people, and making life for Romani/Gigany people unsafe if you did not allow them to. Perhaps they feel they are above the law. Hungary is turning into a modern Auchwitz.
I urge you to create changes to help better the lives of the Cigany Roma there by creating laws to protect their safety and enforcing laws that will help them prosper. They are human, beings not animals . The eyes of the world are on you watching to see what will be done to correct this situation. I am positive you would not want your name to go down in history as another Hitler.
Orbán Viktor
Magyarország miniszterelnökeTisztelt uram,
Én vagyok az érintett személy, amikor a kezelés a Romani Gypsys vagy a cigány lakosság belül az országot. A Roma emberek nagyon büszke és erős verseny. Ha adott a választás minden Roma azt választaná, hogy a munka jó munkát, és békében éljenek. Nem lusta. Mivel a hozzáállás és ellenséges felé romák a határát nincs esélye, hogy munkát keresni, és produktív polgárai. Hallom, számos jelentés érkezett az ország beszél a Romani helyzet és a magas bűnözési ráta a lakosság körében is kérem ezt, ha kellett szembenézniük nincs más lehetőség a takarmány a család, de a bűnözés kíván nem választhatja meg? Szeretne hogy a gyerekek éheznek, mert nem volt pénze az élelmiszer és nem munkahely állt rendelkezésre, hogy keresni egy tisztességes béreket, mert romák voltak, vagy Cigány? Látom felvételek on-line a Neo Náci csoportok felgyújtja Roma házak és hallani és látni hírek, ahol több száz nő és gyermek kell evakuálni városok miatt neo náci támadások és fenyegetések. Nem akarom hallani, hogy nem tudja ellenőrizni, hogy mivel ez hazugság. A Neo Náci nem járőröznek az utcákon támadó embereket, és hogy életüket nyomorult, ha nem volt szabad megtenni, és úgy érezte, ők a törvény felett. Magyarország fordult egy modern Auchwitz.Arra kérem, hogy hozzanak létre változásokat HEP jobban él a Cigány Roma van azáltal törvények védelme érdekében biztonsági és érvényesítése törvények, amelyek segítik őket boldogulni. Ezek az emberek nem állatok. A szem a világ rád néz, hogy mi fog történni a helyzet javítása érdekében. Biztos vagyok benne, amit nem szeretné, hogy a nevét, hogy menjen be a történelembe, és meg kell hívni egy másik Hitler.
Friday, 23 September 2011
March to support Hungarian Romani Gypsies/Gigany
via facebook.com