Thursday 22 September 2011


This section has appeared in every Practical Anarchy published so far. The idea is to give you some ideas about how to bring more anarchy and freedom into your life, as well as how to spread it around your community.

Think for yourself
Turn off your TV
Write a letter to a prisoner
Grow your own food
Have your neighbors over for dinner
Consume less
Share your car
Go to a rally against the death penalty. Talk to your friends and neighbors about the death penalty and how you can stop it.
Advocate that your community spend less money on police
On summer nights, hang out on the front porch of your house and talk to your neighbors. If you don't have a porch, stand out in the yard. Better yet, build a porch, and get rid of your lawnmower.
Research your local corporations and find out what they do and how they affect your community
Start your own pirate radio station. Get you friends and neighbors involved
Boycott corporate bookstores like Borders and Barnes & Noble. Support your local independent bookstore, or, if you don't have one, start your own
Don't cross picket lines
Pick up all of the trash from McDonalds in your hood and then return it to the nearest store
Fight against new chain stores in your community
Don't participate in state-sponsored lotteries
Buy a cop a bagel. Talk to them about finding a new line of work.
Let the air of of police car tires
Eat less meat, or try switching to a vegetarian or vegan diet
Fill out misleading information on any surveys which have been sent to you by marketing scum
Ride your bike to work, if you can
Fight against gated communities in your town. If one already exists, find creative ways to ridicule it
Organize the workers in your workplace into a union. Then fire your bosses.
Compost your kitchen leftovers
Start a Food Not Bombs chapter in your town
Don't vote
Fill those annoying "business reply" envelopes with anarchist literature and send them back; you'll make some bored mail room employee happy.
Support radical envrionmentalist groups like Earth First!
Oppose new highway construction in your town.
Take the bus.
Join the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World)
Spend some time hanging out with old people.
Oppose the construction of new super box strip malls.
Don't let people tell you how to live
Be a person, not a personality
Learn to create the things you need instead of buying them at a store.
Organise an affinity group and start an anarchist zine.
Pass out leaflets in your area to bring awareness about issues that matter to you.

How much of the above is 'anarchy' and how much is just being yourself in a community of other 'selves'?