Wednesday 21 September 2011

Washington Post/ABC Poll: Obama Favorability Among African Americans Drops 25 Percent | The Weekly Standard

When it rains at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, it pours. It's hard to imagine worse news for the president than the slew of polls today. This morning, Obama's overall favorability rating went underwater in the Real Clear Politics average. Then Gallup noted that for the first time a majority of Americans blame the president for the economy. Annd now here's the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll:

New cracks have begun to show in President Obama’s support amongst African Americans, who have been his strongest supporters. Five months ago, 83 percent of African Americans held “strongly favorable” views of Obama, but in a new Washington Post-ABC news poll that number has dropped to 58 percent. That drop is similar to slipping support for Obama among all groups.

It's safe to say Obama's not about to lose the black vote, but the preciptous slide here is pretty telling.