Friday, 27 January 2012

LETSystems - the Home Page

LETSystems - the Home Page

Theory and overview

The LETSystem Design Manual 
A comprehensive manual detailing all aspects of LETSystem design and development, 
by Michael Linton and Angus Soutar. 
LETSystems - FAQs 
Frequently asked questions answered. 
LETSystems - new money 
An overview of LETSystems, local currencies and the future of money 
by Michael Linton, designer of the LETSystem. 


LETSgo - community way 
Current LETSystem development materials.
Materials for downloading 
Tools for LETSystem builders - software, administration and user materials.

Discussion and Development

The Explore Directory 
A collection of pages on LETSystems development, open for contributions (in and with moderation) from any who want to add to the discussion. 
Other Views 
Links to associated topics.

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